Dallas Apostafest, Saturday, Nov. 5

by hemp lover 60 Replies latest members meetups

  • Eyebrow2
    I love jesus soo much, cuz he puts Skippy in my lunch!

    darn...we always got stuck with generic or that Teddy Bear brand that didn't have any salt or sugar in it.

    you lucky kid!!!

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Hemp, yes, I will be at the Westin, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday day for a meeting. I was just thinking of moving closer. But since nobody else is staying near, I will probably just stay where I am. Boss is paying for Thur and Fri. I will have to pick up the tab for Saturday. It costs alot, but the beds are heavenly!!

  • FMZ

    OK everyone, in half an hour I'll be winging my way to TX. First to visit my good friend Xena in Austin, then on to Dallas on Friday to meet up for the diabetes walk. I'm going to be staying with Trav in Dallas (between camping), so anyone in the area be sure to drop in and meet us. PM me for my cell number.

    Catch y'awlll on the flip side.


  • Smiles_Smiles

    Hey Horrible Life,

    Make sure you check out the www.westin.com site. They have that room on sale for the weekend for $119.

    Companies usually pay the corporate rate which is a bit more then that.

    Their beds are definitly Heavenly!!

    Also I work not 5 minutes from there. So if you want to lunch Friday or even Saturday just let me know. I'm free.

  • Deleted

    I'm sure this must have been mentioned somewhere but the Portland Oregon Apostafest is on at the same time (albeit 2 hr time diff). Are we planning for a phone tie-in?

  • Sparkplug

    FOUR MORE DAYS!! Getting the walking shoes on and the Munchies!


  • Eyebrow2

    Decki...make sure you carbo load the night before.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Husband and child wonder will not be attending. But I have 3 bottles of Schmitt Sohne Riesling in my car, in a cooler, ready to add ice to. I am packed and ready to make my way to Dallas. Leaving in the morning. Smiles has my cell phone # in an email.

    Now since this is my first apostafest, are there going to be any snakes, chickens, lamb sacrificing, or anything like this? I just need to have an idea of what to wear. For example, I don't want to wear black, because of the chicken feathers.

    If there is to be a lamb sacrifice, I will bring my eye drops, smoke you know. See you soon HL

  • daystar


    I should make it. But note that my sister and I are going out for drinks and fun Fri night, so forgive me if I seem a bit... out of sorts.

  • BrendaCloutier
    I'm sure this must have been mentioned somewhere but the Portland Oregon Apostafest is on at the same time (albeit 2 hr time diff). Are we planning for a phone tie-in?

    Ya know, a phone call about 8 pm or 9 pm CST (6pm-7pm PST) would be cool! Ok, give us a phone number.... PM me please or Email me. I don't have a cell but I'm sure SOMEONE at the Portland Fest will have one with free LD. blcloutier<@>yahoo<.>com

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