So NO Russians ever walked on the moon? None?

by AlmostAtheist 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • AlmostAtheist

    Hey Guys,

    I was reading Popular Science and I staggered across a line that suggested that Russia had never landed men on the moon. That struck me as blatantly false, I KNEW I'd seen footage of cosmonauts on the moon. I remember seeing their lander, and wondering if they looked for the NASA equipment left behind.

    Well, it turns out that they haven't been there. They talked about it and poked on it a bit, but ultimately left off the attempt, as best as I can tell.

    Does anyone know differently? Anybody have a clue where I got the idea that they had landed men on the moon?

    Dave of the "I know, I know, PopSci isn't a 'science' magazine..." class

  • Leolaia

    The major rockets that the Soviets hoped would take their cosmonauts to the moon consistently failed. The last failure was in the spring of 1969, and they decided to put their energies into building the first space station.

    There was a documentary on the History Channel earlier this week on this...."Great Russian Space Disasters" or something like that.

  • Dansk

    A documentary I saw, which challenged that even the Americans had landed on the moon, had a leading Russian space advisor/scientist (I can't remember who or what his official title was) saying that the Russians knew to get to the moon one had to fly through a thick radiation belt and that no known vessel or equipment could tolerate such radiation. That's why (some?) Russians don't believe the Americans ever landed on the moon.

    Personally, I have no idea whether the Americans did or didn't. I just don't think one can say the Russinas didn't land on it because of faulty space vessels or equipment, particularly as they were leading the way at the time. Yes, they did have accidents, but so, too, did the Americans. It IS very puzzling.


  • Jordan

    Nobody's been to the moon.

  • AlmostAtheist
    Nobody's been to the moon.

    Interesting. What has led you personally to believe that no one has been to the moon? Please don't just cut and paste from web sites (though provide links if you like), just tell me in your own words why you think no one's been there. If you want to, of course. I'm just curious. Dave

  • Leolaia

    The Van Allen Belt's impact on space travel

    Solar cells, integrated circuits, and sensors can be damaged by radiation. In 1962, the Van Allen belts were temporarily amplified by a high-altitude nuclear explosion (the Starfish Prime test) and several satellites ceased operation. Magnetic storms occasionally damage electronic components on spacecraft. Miniaturization and digitization of electronics and logic circuits have made satellites more vulnerable to radiation, as incoming ions may be as large as the circuit's charge. Electronics on satellites must be hardened against radiation to operate reliably. The Hubble Space Telescope, among other satellites, often has its sensors turned off when passing through regions of intense radiation.

    An object satellite shielded by 3 mm of aluminum will receive about 2500 rem (3) (25 Sv) per year.

    Proponents of the Apollo Moon Landing Hoax have argued that space travel to the moon is impossible because the Van Allen radiation would kill or incapacitate an astronaut who made the trip. In practice, Apollo astronauts who travelled to the moon spent very little time in the belts and received a harmless dose. [1] . Nevertheless NASA deliberately timed Apollo launches, and used lunar transfer orbits that only skirted the edge of the belt over the equator to minimise the radiation. Astronauts who visited the moon probably have a slightly higher risk of cancer during their lifetimes, but still remain unlikely to become ill because of it.

  • Dansk
    The Van Allen Belt's impact on space travel
    Yep! That's the radiation belt the Russian chap was referring to.

    [Edited to add] Interesting: In practice, Apollo astronauts who travelled to the moon spent very little time in the belts and received a harmless dose. [1]. Nevertheless NASA deliberately timed Apollo launches, and used lunar transfer orbits that only skirted the edge of the belt over the equator to minimise the radiation. Astronauts who visited the moon probably have a slightly higher risk of cancer during their lifetimes, but still remain unlikely to become ill because of it.

    Thanks, Leo!


  • AlmostAtheist
    practice, Apollo astronauts who travelled to the moon spent very little time in the belts and received a harmless dose.

    That's just what they WANT you to think, Leo. I see you've bought into the lie... so sad...

    No point in trying to win you over to taco-shaped-earthism, then? Fine, I'll not throw my pearls before swine!

    (Despite my obvious bias toward believing in moon landings, I would really appreciate any we-never-went-to-the-moon folks piping up with their reasoning on it. Qcmbr? You out there, Bro'?)


  • upside/down
    upside/down fact it's all dark.- Pink Floyd

  • kristyann

    I actually am usually not much for conspiracy theories... I think a lot of them are ridiculous and stupid... but I have my doubts about ANYONE being to the moon as well... I HAVE seen documentaries about this... but of course, a documentary can point out important things, but they can try to convince people of anything if they put their own biased slant on it. So I know you don't want copy and pasting from websites... some of that stuff is convincing, some isn't. But my main thing for why I DOUBT it (and I'm not saying I know FOR SURE, but I do have my doubts) is look at how unsuccessful NASA is right now. Look at all the mistakes they make now. They can't seem to get anything right. (I know some people probably will want to argue that). But just with everything that goes on now and how they can't get it together, I have my doubts that in the 60s they had it more together and were walking around on the moon. Also, I think (POSSIBLY) it could be that the U.S. government decided to fake it because there was so much excitement, so much competition, being generated by the Space Race. But again, these are just doubts, I don't claim to know for sure.

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