How the Internet Means 'The End' for Apostates and Opposers of the Society

by slimboyfat 89 Replies latest jw friends

  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler

    To me the internet has been a very very powerful microscope. I was not only able to view the scratches in the "diamond" of the society, but It magnified it so well that I was able to see clearly that it was'nt a diamond after all. Just a labratory made piece of costume jewerly.

  • sf
    To me the internet has been a very very powerful microscope. I was not only able to view the scratches in the "diamond" of the society, but It magnified it so well that I was able to see clearly that it was'nt a diamond after all. Just a labratory made piece of costume jewerly.

    Brilliant deduction! sKally

  • Cygnus

    Some good thoughts and rebuttals here, especially I think by Pole and AA.

    I'll just add that human beings in this technological age desperately are wanting old-fashioned human contact with people they can relate their fears, wishes, dreams, doubts, and happinesses - and JWs are people in the world, not hermits, so a lot of what the world likes, JWs like: movies, TV, sports, etc. More and more JWs just wanna be themselves, and fear of reprisal or being seen spiritually weak or not given attention by busy elders drives them to curiosity and soon enough their brains kick in and they lessen their activity with the WTS or end it completely, because the internet affords all this to them with anonymity if they so choose.

    Yeah, the JWs will grow, slowly, and beat their members who have "nowhere else to go" into submission, but the exodus will continue, and the internet is a big reason for it.

  • AuldSoul
    Millions once living are now DEAD

    This is absolute truth, a rarity these days. It is unarguable. It would only be understood by Witnesses. This is a beatiful bumper sticker waiting to happen. Couldn't even be disfellowshipped for having it on your car, it is true and easily provable.

    Goodonya, kid-a!


  • AuldSoul


    (1) I had never considered the absence of evidence for the authority claimed by the Governing Body (GB)/Faithful and Discreet Slave (FDS), and had not been aware that C.T. Russell called himself the FDS. I learned that from the Internet. I put him onto digging for proof.

    (2) Daniel 4, why does it have a second fulfillment? There is not a single explanation of why that I can find on the CD-ROM except for a few instances of twisting Luke 21:24 into indication of a future fulfillment. But that verse applies directly and specifically to Daniel 7, not Daniel 4.

    (3) 1925 the return of the ancient worthies. Rutherford said that date was more firmly established in the Bible than 1914.

    Blew his mind. He went digging and quickly found proof that each was baseless.


  • kid-A

    This is a beatiful bumper sticker waiting to happen

    Hmmmmmmm.....bumper sticker, eh??? Dang I'm gonna be rich!!! $$$$$$$$$$$

  • avishai

    This post is a PERFECT example of how the WTS trains people how to delude themselves.

  • seattleniceguy
    He or she will, like I did, click, glance and run, heart pounding. They will sneer a bit at the information. Then, later, something will happen to them personally that will cause them to return and read more.

    LOL @ Confession. I loved the sneer.

    But seriously. People go to the internet for information every day. After you've used the internet for a while, you know how to find factual, instantaneous answers to any question, and it becomes a part of how you approach the universe. I just can't see WT growth continuing as before in the face of such a powerful fact-checking mechanism. Before, BS could stand up for a lot of people if it sounded convincing. But now, if it doesn't survive scrutiny, it will be discarded by all but the most naive.


  • TheListener

    I read and agree with many of the posts so far.

    In my case:

    I always thought apostates were crazy loons with a chip on their shoulder.

    I never knew they had serious doctrinal issues that could be substantiated.

    An apostate convention would have scared the crap out of me and I would have never had anything to do with it.

    The internet allowed me to read and learn in secrecy and listen to only whom I chose.

    The quiet fading away of witnesses is better than a loud anti-organization. When you are opposed directly you tend to dig your feet in. If you are opposed by apathy of your own memebers (coupled with the internet resource) you are in serious trouble.


    A DO relative? Cool. What else can you share.

  • sf
    I just can't see WT growth continuing as before in the face of such a powerful fact-checking mechanism. Before, BS could stand up for a lot of people if it sounded convincing. But now, if it doesn't survive scrutiny, it will be discarded by all but the most naive.



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