While preaching, did you realize that you were also screwing up their lives

by JH 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    When you were going door to door, although you had the pure intention of teaching people what you taught was God's will, did you realize back then, that if they listened to you and accepted a bible study that you were also screwing up their lives and that they would suffer greatly by this?

    It was always in back of my mind....

  • vitty

    Yes I did, and I always wondered why I felt like this. I used to feel guilty about not letting them know what sort of commitment they would have to make.

    How it would change their lives, and what they would have to give up.

    Now why would I feel like that, but push my own kids to a life in the org

  • dedpoet

    Yes, I did used to wonder if what I was telling them would really benefit them long term.

    Happily, not too many listened. One guy did study with me to the point of becoming an unbaptised publisher, but he doesn't go now either, so I guess I didn't do anyone any lasting harm with all the bullshit I used to spout

  • TopHat

    In the beginning: When I went door to door preaching the good news of God's Kingdom, I honestly thought I was out there trying to save lives.

  • alw

    In the last year before I left the org I was asked to accompany a sister to study with a woman. We became good friends and to this day I really regret being so enthusiastic about the 'truth'. This woman eventually became a sister just as we were leaving. We have seen her since and she is lovely - although she doesn't understand why we don't come anymore - I just want to tell her - but the time hasn't been right. Unfortunately she's being sucked right in - very encouraged that her husband attends the public talk!!! Hopefully one day - guilt............. guilt...............guilt................... alw

  • thom

    No, I never realized it when I was preaching. When I started having real doubts, I never went in service again.
    I do feel bad that in all the years I was a JW, I did bring two people in. I haven't seen either one in years, but I know from my family that both are active at this time (both are elders).
    One of them though was a mess of drugs and crime when I first found him. Not sure if he's better off or not right now but possibly it might have actually been good for him (that's hard to say). The other was a friend from high school. I think he would have done just find if I would have left him alone (didn't preach to him).
    Fortuanately, most people at the doors just wanted me to go away.

  • Legolas


  • Dansk
    did you realize back then, that if they listened to you and accepted a bible study that you were also screwing up their lives and that they would suffer greatly by this?

    Obviously, if we had realised back then that we were screwing up their lives we wouldn't have done it! Now I'm out I can see that if anyone had come into the lie because of my having a Bible study with them I would be impicated in their being screwed up. Thankfully, I was unable to convince anyone to get much further than a few week's study. I never brought anyone into the lie apart from my children ----------- and that has been pain enough


  • Undecided

    I was responsibile for getting two families into the org. They are the foundation of the congregation now. I studied with them over 30 years ago. Recently one of them met me in the grocery store and thanked me for helping them to be JWs. I was at a loss for words and didn't know what to say. I should have apologized and begged for forgiveness.

    Ken P.

  • rebel8

    For a while it was in the back of my mind that I didn't want to hurt anyone by giving a positive impression of JWs.

    However, I honestly don't believe I screwed up anyone's life. I rarely placed magazines, never placed books, never had a bible study, never got anyone to attend meetings.

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