What Are Things That TRULY Irritate You???

by minimus 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jordan

    I'm up for two hot girls going at it...

    Homosexuals bother me because I feel uncomfortable around them and I don't want them near my children. I don't care for men who have sex with other men. I think it is a disgusting act.

    It's that kind of thinking that alot of people have fought to get away from here, probably not a smart idea to disrespect those people.

    I hate homophobes. In fact I hate people are predjudice against any minority. Whatever the reason these people give, it's just not good enough. And don't give me the "gay people are more likely to abuse children" shit, it's just not true. It doesn't matter whether someone is gay or not, if they're going to abuse a child, they're going to do it.

  • kls

    Well thank goodness , now i know it is only gays that molest. I thought it was family members , strangers or family friends.

    Glad you cleared that up for me.

  • gumby

    Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that newbies haven't progressed far enough yet to lose the JW thinking and mindset concerning homosexuals. I'm sure his comments like this and attitude will change in time. Hopefully.... Edited to add,

    The point is, if I can't trust them to be good Christians, and doing the things Christ taught, how will I know they would not do other immoral acts not in line with the bible?

    And how do you know that just because a man is a christian and a teacher will not molest? Have you heard about Catholic priests? Ever heard of Jimmy Swaggart? Gumby

  • Jordan
    If I was to allow a GAY teacher around my child, knowing that this person obviously does not care for the BIBLE's teachings, how do I know they are not a thief or a liar, or even a child molester also???

    So by that reasoning you hate all muslims, hindu's, and buddhists, not forgetting atheists and agnostics.

  • Caedes


    Your ignorance and prejudice are the sort of thing that really irritates me. Luckily I live in a country where I have the freedom to challenge that sort of nonsense.

    It is complete stupid to suggest that being homosexual makes you a paedophile. what are you basing this idea upon? Other than your own blind prejudice of course.

  • kls
    Homosexuals and other perverts around my children. That really bugs me.

    You posted Homosexuals and others are perverts ,,,,,,,,,,,notice the Homosexual part.

  • Jordan

    So, just a regular far-right christian fanatic then...

  • kls

    Chevelle, just because you do not understand the mind of someone being gay does not give you the right to call them perverts. I do not understand being gay but i will not condem them or make them any less of being human.

  • Caedes


    It seems like you people like putting words in peoples mouths here.

    In all fairness, did I say what you just said?

    You are a complete hypocrite, since that is exactly what you did on the earthquake thread.

  • Dansk

    It irritates me that my daughters can't see that JWism is completely wrong. It is also irritates me to know that if the roles were reversed I would be acting exactly as they are acting now.

    It irritates me immensely that the Borg are still standing years after all their deceit is now in the public domain but JWs are, in the main, too blind to see it or too hard headed to want to see it.

    It irritates me, at times, to think I could have done things so differently with my family and that we could have been so happy together instead of wasting 19 years with a lying, two-faced, hypocritical organisation that set itself up as a bastion of Christianity when it sucks the very marrow out of people's souls and governments are too weak to see the Org for what it is while thousands of its followers slide into desperate mental conditions often culminating in suicide.

    It irritates me immensely that I am too miniscule to be able to bring the Borg to its ruin on my own when I know what a blood-sucking thing it is.

    It irritates me that people on the inside in Crooklyn don't have the guts to publicise to the world what a heinous organisation Watchtower really is and that by doing so they would be doing an immense Christian service.

    It irritates me that, because of JWs being allowed to go from door to door, many more people are going to be sucked into their lies and many more presently wonderfully happy families are going to be broken up because of Watchtower dogma.

    It irritates me how Watchtower seemingly gets away with its lies, murder (re no blood transfusions stance), etc.

    It irritates me how the old fogies and now their replacements on the governing body are living a life of relative luxury while the poor foot sloggers go out every day in all weathers and conditions in order to keep the fat cow fat without their knowing it.

    It irritates me how newcomers to the ranks of the governing body don't have the guts to spill the beans like Raymond Franz did.

    It irritates me to think of all the money my wife and I gave each month to feed the fat cow when it could have gone towards more deserving charities.

    It irritates me how Watchtower even became a charity and gets away with so many uncharitible acts.

    It irritates me to know that I am irritated by so many irritations and they are all Watchtower related.


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