So that's it

by ballistic 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • AuldSoul
    I like your avatar, and thoughts of it being "sissified" never entered my mind.

    popper, judging by your choice of avatar, I would be very surprised if you did not know the significance immediately. Well met!

    Billygoat, fortunately I found someone who liked the scrawny little fart me, and also likes the heavier teddy-bear version. She's a wonder. I just hope she'll wake up.


  • kls
    kls, my 235 pounds and hariy face would make one ugly girl. LOL

    Tisk ,heck that ain't nutin. My last boyfriend was a 1/2 ton. and his feet were as big as me

  • AuldSoul

    kls, I told you if we are going to have civilized conversations you have quit bringing up your rough and tumble days of rolling with the silverbacks.

    I know he had a cool bit of different colored hair on his back but he was a gorilla, just the same. It would have never worked out between you two. What if he had rolled over in the night? No more kls. It was for the best, dear, trust me.


  • kls

    Hee hee Auld,,,,,,,,,,,,you damn putts . Now ya got me laughing with tears

    Yes !! Thats it !! Your new name is PUTTS

  • unbeliever

    I do not share that kind of info unless the relationship is getting serious. I always put off introducing a lover to my jw mother as long as I possibly could. I've only had to do it twice.

  • Kaylen

    I've dragged my husband to a couple of ex-jw meetups but he really isn't very interested . He thinks the worst thing to happen to a JW is to miss out on a couple of birthdays. Sometimes being out is jsut as alienating as being in you don' t feel like you belong anywhere

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