Society unsure about Adam's Sexual Orientation

by Amazing 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    Yes, folks, the all-wise, all-knowing, all-seeing Watchtower Society peers into and explores all possibilities of thought and logic. Yes, right back to our beginnings they look at how Adam needed to determine who would serve as his companion ... and where did he search?

    "Before God created anything new, a woman, God left the man free to determine whether there was a suitable companion for him among all the lower animals. He did not oblige the man to go seeking a companion among them, thus requiring the use of much time on the man's part, but Jehovah God brought various beasts of the earth and flying creatures of the heavens before the man."- Life Everlasting - In Freedom of the Sons of God, p. 45, para. 22 (c)1966 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania

    Why, God even brought these creatures to Adam, because god-forbid that he would use too much time deciding whether to marry a dog or a bird or to determine if he was more oriented toward sheep or an ass ... but, when it comes to preaching, God makes man spend endless hours looking for people who are not at home anyway. I digress. But, thankfully, Adam was not an animo-sexual, no, he was heterosexual ... not that there is anything wrong with being an animo-sexual, because we do not want to be judgmental, but I would not want Adam to have married a donkey and turn us into jackasses with wings.

    Oh, Watchtower, and you silly GB boys ... what would you have been like had you gotten an education beyond the third grade ... opps, according to rumor, Fred Franz, the Greek expert, wrote the above book ... and he had two years of college ... yikes! He must have done well in creative writing.

    Merry Christmas!

    Jim Whitney

  • skyking

    This is a quote that I need to check. I have a hard time believing this is in a BORG publication. At this point and time though it would not surprize me, nothing would from them.

  • TheScarletPimpernel

    That's a classic. Two things:

    1) I think Franz' asexuality got the better of him. Didn't he notice that animals tend to come in pairs, of, oh that's right, male and female? How exactly is a *female* human something "new"?

    2) It appears that God was down with bestiality until Adam said no. God brought "flying creatures of the heavens before the man"? Imagine being descended from the offspring of Adam and his pigeon.. eww

  • Amazing


    It is a ral quote ... and I am holding the book in my hands. It is medium red cover with a gold embossed title. You can also check it out on the Watchtower CD Rom. I have it for sale from my literature inventory.

    Jim Whitney

  • skyking

    Slay me man. I will have soooo much fun with this one. Thanks

  • Amazing


    Slay me man. I will have soooo much fun with this one. Thanks

    Merry Christmas!

    Jim Whitney

  • OnTheWayOut

    WT Library CD only goes back to 1971 with books. The quote sounds like a build-up to 1975.
    Don't go to college, don't get married and have kids- the end is right around the corner.

    A young man should get a dog instead of dating. That way he can focus his pent-up
    energy on pedophilia bestiality pioneering in these last days.

    Usually I say, "Why did I used to believe this crap." I think a better question this time would be,
    "Why did my mother get DF'ed after 1975 and GO BACK TO THIS CRAP?"

  • blondie

    I'll look for it at home but there is some quote that says that originally Adam had both masculine and feminine qualities. When Eve was created, God removed the feminine qualities and put them in Eve.

    I also have read that humans were made in God's image which implies that God has both feminine and masculine qualities.

    In the days of Fred Franz, some pretty wild ideas surfaced in the publications that you will not likely see today.


  • trevor

    It’s amazing that God allegedly invited Adam to have sex with an animal but condemned him and the whole human race to death for eating a God dammed apple!

  • I quit!
    I quit!
    It’s amazing that God allegedly invited Adam to have sex with an animal but condemned him and the whole human race to death for eating a God dammed apple!

    Maybe he was supposed to have sex with the apple not eat it.

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