Handwriting analysis of J.T. Rutherford

by moshe 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • moshe

    I have been doing handwriting analysis for over 30 years. My experience shows that it can reveal the inner mind of an individual. I came accross a good sample of JT Rutherford's handwriting on the inside cover of the 1941 book 'Children'.

    Just a few of my observations of Mr Rutherford: His upward writing slant shows a postive mental attitude- the general slant to the right shows a man with above average emotional response. His signature shows an tendancy for the finer things in life- he would want to put on a good appearance at any cost. The big upper loops in his signature show a man with a very inflated ego - prone to big ideas.

    The last letter 'D' in words like command, and, and the final D in his signature, have the appearance of a sword stroke- my feeling is that this is a man you would not want to cross in business- If he made up his mind on something it was 'Final'. The letter 'C' at the start of a word as a extra loop to it- this is a man who thinks about his words and his ideas before he acts. Most of his small 'e' letters have no light in the middle- other letters are black,too. People who do this are not likely to share personal information about themselves- perhaps even being overly devious to protect the inner self. I don't see him as very organized- he would prefer to delegate details of his plans to underlings. Very long T bar crosses show a man of determination- he has the will to see his plans to completion. Many words have breaks betwen the letters- this shows a person who is constantly doublechecking himself- does he have doubts? or is he just cautious? The fact that most of his words end without a trailing end ,shows me that Rutherford was not generous or a person to share openly what he had - this could be both in personal time, or just being able to listen to the other person besides material help. We could call that 'selfishness' for lack of a better word.

    The penpressure of this man is above average- this shows a person who wants his desires met "right now"- I don't think J.T.R. would tolerate a delay having his needs met.This coupled with a right slant aggravates his short temper in dealing with delays and disappointments. In retrospect , the summer of 1941 was the beginning of the distress of WWII and I am sure Rutherford felt Armageddon was very close- hence is optimisim and forcefull forward- looking attitude- He must have really thought he would see the start of the Final Climax. He might have been an interesting person to listen to, but he would have made a poor house guest.

    hope you liked this-




  • luna2

    That was very interesting, moshe. I enjoyed getting your explanation for what the various traits in his handwriting mean. Sure seems to fit all we know of the man.

  • wombat


    Is it just my computer ?

    I have to keep scrolling to and fro to read your most interesting thoughts. The sentences run off the page and I have to scroll across to read them (then lose my place when I come back).

    This occasionally happens with posts and I usually skip them as they are too hard to read.

    But this is interesting so I shall persevere.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Thanks, that was quite interesting.

    Does it matter if a person is right or left handed? Would the same analysis apply if the other hand was used? Just asking...

  • moshe

    Being left handed does not seem to make much difference- other than smearing the letters as you write! I once did a class and showed how the average person knows how to read handwriting. If you show two samples of handwriting - one sloping up and the other having lines sloping down and ask them to pick which individual might be depressed- they almost always pick the sample with the downward sloping lines. A sample with 'small writing' compared to 'big writing' and ask which person is the more outgoing of the two? Think which would you pick?

    If you picked big writing = more outgoing, you would be right!



  • skyman

    This is why I like this board this thread was interesting. Thanks.

  • Lo-ru-hamah


    That was very interesting.

    I know just enough about handwriting analysis to be harmful, leading to my question. Rutherford seems to be dipping into the lower zone quite a bit, which I have read deals with the sexual and emotional. Does the lower zone activity show you anything about that? Especially, in the sexual area, like perversions?

    Thank you,


  • Lo-ru-hamah


    Another question There seems to be some tangling with the upper and lower zones. Could you tell me what that indicates?

    You probably already covered this with your comments and I just didn't get it.

    Obviously this subject fasicinates me. I could ask you a million questions. Hope it doesn't irritate you.


  • moshe

    One more thing about Rutherford's handwriting. You will notice that almost all of his P and Y letters have no lower loops. This man had no interest in SEX or in sports. No wonder he was so uptight. The only lower loop that is huge is in the J of his name. I guess he was only in love with himself.

    When I was about 20 and in college, about 1970. I was working 2nd shift at a GE factory and going to school on days. I wanted to get a promotion to inspector and get off the line- to have more time to study. I told the foreman - who was a known ladies man- that I could help him pick out the 'Hot' girls who hired in. He gave me a stack of work/job cards filled out and signed by these new girls- I divided them up . I did not know that he had included the cards of girls he had already been out with as a control group. Well , I was right on with my analysis of his previous dates. I got the promotion and my boss was able to concentrate on the girls who were "hotties". Today, a boss with that kind of conduct towards his female employees would probably be fired.



  • moshe

    I know just enough about handwriting analysis to be harmful, leading to my question. Rutherford seems to be dipping into the lower zone quite a bit, which I have read deals with the sexual and emotional. Does the lower zone activity show you anything about that? Especially, in the sexual area, like perversions?

    This is a smart group!!- when I said no interest in sex- I should qualify that to " no normal interest in sex". A person can think about sex 24/7 and, if they never act on their desires it causes problems. His loops go down= thought, but dont' go back up=action. Here is a man who can't have a normal fulfilling relationship with another woman. Why? I don't know- was it his childhood? Maybe!

    Some of his lower loops show the tendancy of a small loop at the end- a bigger sample would help, but suffice to say it is not a good sign ,either . Was he peverted? I don't think so, just repressed and he wanted to make everyone else live a life without love, sex , spouse and family ,just like him.



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