The Pastor of my Old Church Tried to Re-Convert Me Yesterday

by cofty 2596 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Viviane

    He won't say, Besty. It's a mystery.

  • flamegrilled

    To anyone who is unable to think in terms of concepts. logic and principles it doesn't apply at all.

    For the rest you will have to read my comments, as I'd only repeat myself.

  • flamegrilled

    and that applies how to wiping out 250k humans?

    My previous comment was in response to this in case it wasn't clear.

    speculate please on what might be the 'true facts' we can't comprehend from the Tsunami? or you can decline to speculate if you prefer.

    My only point at this stage is to reason with you that such facts might exist. If you cannot cross that barrier then any speculation would be pointless. Even if you could cross that barrier the specualtation would still be speculation.

    But Cofty wants to stick to the point. He contends that the tsunami is a death-blow to theism. All I am demonstrating is that such a firm conclusion is illogical.

  • cofty

    Besty - effiing genius!

    The picture is of an unloving, uncaring God so yes I guess I am guilty , if I want to "wander off" in an effort to show otherwise - Caliber

    Caliber I htink you want to be a character witness for god.

    To repeat what I said to Tammy. No matter what you think you know about god you have to factor in this act of immense evil.

    Its silly to keep going on about all the nice things your friend has done for others when faced with the evidence that he beats his wife and children.

  • Viviane

    Flamegrilled, if you're going to call other people stupid, you should make sure your sentence doing that isn't written incorrectly.

  • Viviane

    Flamegrilled, it's not just that you say facts we don't know about why God let it happen might exist, it's that you also said they were ungraspable by humans. Even if they did exist, they would be incomprehensible and useless and couldn't possibly factor into any decision. They could also be facts that show why God could be a worse monster than he already seems to be. That's just as likely if those incomprehensible facts exist.

    The short version, it's a mystery.

  • besty

    flamegrilled says =

    For the rest you will have to read my comments, as I'd only repeat myself.

    flamegrilled does =

    I confess I haven't read every comment on this post.

    If its not too much trouble can you let me know the page number of the post you want me to read.

  • cofty

    And who said the tsunami was an act of love? - Flamegrilled

    The god of theism is loving. More than that, his followers claim "god is love".

    He knew about the tsunami as it evolved and he did nothing. He knew it would kill a quarter of a million people and devastate the lives of millions more. He watched it happen and did nothing.

    The tsunami happened because of the way the god of christian theism made the world. The pressure had been building for centuries but he did nothing.

    Everything that the god of christian thesim does must be motivated by love.

    Therefore, according to theism the tsunami was an act of love.

  • cofty

    the anaology of a domestic animal unable to comprehend why a loving owner might inflict pain on it - Flamegrilled

    If you know an owner who claimed to love his dog was beating it mercilessly with a big stick, and its discovered that he has been starving it and leaving it out in the cold all night, would it make sense to conclude that his definition of love is perverse?

  • humbled

    To the issue of lacking knowledge of why a loving god doesn't act...

    When I've had my children one by one they have had to discover that love alone cannot take away great pain.

    My love, my breast, could do a lot--often a great deal toward easing their suffering. But there are frightening moments when an infant's pain cannot be relieved by a mother's love.

    A baby is not resentful of the mother's failure to stop pain, but appreciative of having mother's love near her. Given time and speech they cry "Make it stop hurting, Mama!" Sometimes we can. But when we can't - they have to learn that my love isn't limited --but my power is.

    So I have been able to rescue them sometimes--from drowning, from bullies, an animal attack, etc. But I don't protect them from everything. Because I can't

    My power is limited even if my love is not.

    I am happy enough to be loved now that I am grown and a relief not to expect God protect me from every suffering.

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