Please help a lurker... too scared to post

by Awakened at Gilead 50 Replies latest members private

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead


    I received this PM from a lurker who has never posted. Instead of responding directly, I suggested that I post the PM and get more support, to which she agreed. Please read, and comment if you have suggestions or support. I'll PM her and let her know of the thread, perhaps she will jump in!


    Hi there,

    You don't know me obviously, but I was raised a JW and I've been out for approx 5 years now. I married young as all good JW's do...and divorced shortly most JW's do! I knew the only way to get a 'scriptural' divorce was to sleep with someone so I did that otherwise the elders would have made me go back to him, and even when I DID sleep with someone, they gave me the option of not being DF'd if i went back....and would only be privately reproved...but I made them DF me cause I wasn't going to try in a pointless marriage....long story short, I spent nearly 2 years trying to be reinstated, and the reason it took so long was because i was such an example in the hall and my actions stumbled EVERYONE! So i had to prove that i was repentant. Needless to say when i was reinstated in 2002, I had no friends left in the congregation. They say you are supose to forgive but when you live in a materialistic congregation who juges you all the time, you have nothing left to come back to. I was miserable. Once a strong standing sister, parts in the meeting every week, aux pioneered all through high school ( I married at 18). I'm now 26 and lost beyond control. My mom is a regular pioneer and her new husband is one of the 'anointed'. They are 'spiritually strong' you could say and hound me to come back before the ark doors close. However, I just can't. I was taught NEVER to doubt the org or the 'faithful slave' but doubts always lurked in my mind growing up...the 'faithful slave', 1914, so many things always put doubts in my head but dismissed them by reading more magazines!!!

    Well I left the org after about 3 months of being reinstated due to my incredible beef with my step dad...that is another story...I was 21 living back at home trying my hardest to gain respect and come back to the truth, but he still treated me like i was 12. One day at a meeting he said I couldnt sit beside a brother (who was my BEST FRIENDS boyfriend, and was like a brother to me) my friend wasnt at the meeting that day and due to the lack of 'brotherly love' in our hall he sat with me, cause the whole congregation was so jugmental and cold....anyways, my step father refused to sit down when the brother went to the platform, saying that if i sit beside Brendan, it will lead to immorality! I LOST IT! I was like are you on glue? I freaked out, walked out of the kingdom hall bawling my eyes out, walked home, packed my bags and left. (My mom since left that asshole). so since 2003 I haven't been a witness but it kills(ed) me every day. My mom calls me at work to read me the daily text and i always enjoyed it untill about 2 months ago when i thought, You know what, I'm going to be DF'd again anyways, (another story) so why not take this time to REALLY dig into the history and HOLY MOTHER CRAP! I'm terrified at what im reading and finding out, and also filled with doubt wondering if this is just the apostate shit i always was warned about....but it makes sence...i'm almost done Crisis of Conscience, and I'm discusted as to how things happen, when I always thought it was the brothers who prayed insesintly on matters before publishing them, and to find out that it's a 2/3 vote! to read that in Bulgaria they signed a waver so JW's will not have reprocussions if they have a blood read that voting in an election is NOW A CONSIENCE MATTER! to read that they were an NGO with the UN. I'm disturbed so much that i'm just so friggen lost. Even tho I've been away from the truth since 03', the truth hasn't left me...I was raised very strict and well in the truth by my mom(bless her heart) but i just dont know if i can beleive it anymore. I'm so confused, and I dont know where to turn. If this isnt the truth what the fxxx is there?

  • Hope4Others

    I think that is the hardest thing...where do I go now if its not the does take time to rid yourself of guilt that's for sure.

    Reading and the support here of others helps the pain. Just knowing you are not alone in your thoughts and fears. In

    time you come to realise "I'll be ok".

    Welcome to the board young lady, we don't really bite and we are not evil people we are like you just wanting to know

    the "Truth" about the Truth.


  • daniel-p

    Welcome lurker, thanks for sharing your story. Even though we all have our own stories, I can feel the anguish and fear when I read others' stories just like I felt when I first began doubting the WTS. Suffice it to say, you're beyond the hump, and that is realizing it's not the truth. Now you're dealing with all the emotions that goes with realizing that. Take it easy, take it slow, and don't make any sudden moves. THere are a lot of people on here with similar experiences and I have no doubt you'll find a lot of support if you stick around. Welcome! -dp

  • BabaYaga

    Dear Beloved Anonymous One:

    You are in the right place. You dared to look for the truth about the (T)ruth, and here you will find it (as always, you must be careful what you wish for, haha.)

    Do not be afraid. It takes baby steps to recreate (or discover) yourself when you have been raised in a mind, body, career, and life-controlling cult. A huge thing to understand is that FEAR does NOT equal LOVE.

    Just be assured, you are indeed mistaken when you say that you are now "lost beyond control". You have, rather, just found yourself, and your mind. You are not lost at all... the fog is just now clearing.

    I completely understand your reactions to your "encouraging" Mother. I once told my Mother, "You can't buy faith like penny candy. If I could, for you, I think I would. But I can't, and I just do not believe it anymore."

    It hurts, but so does surgery. It is the only way to heal.



  • VoidEater

    "What else is there?"

    Oh my, where to begin?

    There is your life, your suol, your very existence. There are the things you love, the things that touch you, the things you find beautiful. There is a WORLD here for your examination, begging for your touch, looking to you for inspiration.

    There are the delicate nuances and the storms of all your feelings and thoughts, and a universe of observations and fancies from others on this planet.

    There are near countless forms of philosophy and ways of looking at the world to examine and consider, reject or ally with, find pleasure or fault with.

    There are people to get to know, and who long to get to know you.

    And this is just the surface...

  • changeling

    Hi darlin: I was raised "in" as well. It took me 46 years to leave! The UN issue is what did it for me. My husband and I have faded successfully.

    I understand your scared feelings. If you want to just lurk here and read topics that interest you, that's quite alright. When you're ready to chime in, we'll welcome you with open arms.

    Hang in there,

    changeling :) Feel free to PM me anytime.

  • Gopher

    Welcome to the forum. I hope you stay here a while for support during this transition in your life.

    You tried so hard to be reasonable and do all the JW's demanded. That frustration would occur again if you ever went back there. I was born into the JW's too, and I had parallel experiences with hypocrisy and unkindness in there.

    Read around the forum a bit, and you'll see experiences similar to yours. Here's a place to start -- the "Best of Recovery" threads:

    I hope you will post and gain the support you need here.

  • Open mind
    Open mind
    I'm terrified at what im reading and finding out

    I was a 3rd generation JW, forty-something elder when I started reading "unapproved" information and I felt the same way. It has been a gradual awakening over the last two years or so and I feel GREAT now, even though I don't have proveable answers to most of life's big questions. (Welcome to the Human Condition.)

    Don't let the presence of people who don't believe the Bible or even God scare you off. Some people on here are still Bible-believing Christians. Many are Atheist. And there's every shade in-between. If an idea has merit it should stand on it's own logic.

    Welcome to the board. Read, think, commiserate.



    Welcome 14"Too Scared to post!".....I was raised in the JW`s.....You would be surprised at how much information is in the outside world about the "Watchtower Bible and Tract Society".......Let me give you just a Tid-bit................I own stock in the "Rand Cam Engine Corp"..500 shares to be exact..........Rand Cam builds engines for the Military....One of the engines they build,is for bombs..The engine in the bomb,delivers the bomb to it`s target.........So for me,War is Profitable........One of my fellow shareholders is,the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society..They own 50% of the Rand Cam Engine Corp.....Rand Cam is just one of the many stocks they receive profits from......They have a "Trust Fund" with stock in it....The Henreita M.Riely Trust Fund.....That trust has stock from Johnson&Johnson/Harley Davidson/Micro Soft/Tobacco Giant Phillip Morris,just to name a few.......Jehovah`s Witness`s are simply another business the Watchtower Bible and Tract society makes money from..The religion business......Hang out here and you will find out how a Multi-Billion dollar company(The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society) makes money from their Religion Business...And..Much,much more..................Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • Bring_the_Light

    You have just woken up in the real world, when you get your bearings and learn all the truth about the truth, you'll look back and be amazed that the organization can even exist. (much less wonder if it "really is 'the truth'"). The delusions are so incredibly thin, the claim of authority is so incredibly stretched, the origins are so incredibly embarrassing, it still amazes me to this day. Be assured it only gets easier from here. However, the hundreds of people and Gigabytes of ranting here would correctly suggest the Borg will affect you for some time to come. Welcome to the Light. Bring_the_Light

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