maybe i'm in the wrong place?

by sustainedhaze 46 Replies latest members private

  • sustainedhaze

    In my quest to free myself from the organization, I have also not only come to the realization that the JW's don't have it right, but neither do the other religions. In questioning the org. i also came to question the bible, christianity, creationism etc., and I have noticed that many here seem happy to replace one fairy tale dogma with another. And while definately not here to throw stones, I would like to hear from others who went from JW's to an atheist view? Thanks

  • Junction-Guy

    You will be in good company here, 90 percent of people here are atheists and the few that still believe in the bible are usually ridiculed and called childish names.

  • DJK

    Welcome to the forum Sustainedhaze.

    I was raised in it, and from a very young age I never believed in God. It would be many years before I heard the word Atheist.

  • free2think

    Welcome to jwd sustainedhaze.

    I came to the same conclusions as you re religion in general, i no longer believe that religion is the answer, i think it just causes more problems.

    I hope you find the answers you are looking for, you're in great company here.

  • Gopher

    Welcome to the forum, Sustainedhaze. The poster who said 90% of us on board are atheists is exaggerating, but we do have a broad spectrum of believers, doubters and atheists. All are welcome as long and and the general expectation is that people are respected (even if views can be directly challenged and sometimes lampooned).

    I was on this board 6 years before I came to embrace atheism. Here's the story, and a few people who supported that decision on this board:

  • Sirona

    Everyone on this forum appears to forget that there are some members here who do believe in God but who are not Christians.

    I do not believe the bible or christianity, but I have spirituality and belief. I do not belong to a group.

    There are many valid paths out there - as valid as Christianity or Atheism.


  • VoidEater

    Welcome to the board, sustained - for me, the whole inquiry hinges on what exactly this God person is supposed to be, supposed to do, etc. As a person, I don't think he exists. As a word to be applied to natural phenomena, maybe. The Bible? Some attempts to describe contact with something greater in places, in other places pure political ramblings.

    JG: I hope to never call you a mean name! I respect you too much.

  • AlmostAtheist

    >> 90 percent of people here are atheists and the few that still believe in the bible are usually ridiculed and called childish names.

    Oh, Junction-Guy, you poopy head! We atheists don't run the place! We just bring the booze! ;-)

    Seriously, Haze, you will find many of us have decided it wasn't just JW's, but a larger group that "got it wrong". Some decided all fundy's are off the mark, some decided Christianity as a whole is bunk. And others, like you and I, found upon throwing out the bathwater, there was no baby at all.

    You'll fit right in. Welcome, brother!


  • tigresse

    Welcome sustainedhaze,

    Since I have faded I was fortunate enough to spend most of this time in Asia, in a completely different culture (hence,non-christian). I think that experience kind of put everything into perspectives. Things are not so much black and white anymore. I have met and befriended so many non-christians who are so devoted to God, after all these years of believing that one has to be christian jw to be a good person. I find myself in a place where I don't need to pledge allegiance to anyone or any belief or categorize myself (doubter, agnostic, etc..). I'm a student of life who is always learning. I'm content!

    Good luck on your quest!


  • PrimateDave

    You are in the right place! I was raised a Witness and have spent most of my adult life in the organization. A couple of years ago I started doing the research to deal with my doubts. Of course, I had to go outside of the Society's approved research material to find the answers that I needed, and that's when I started to compare the Watchtower Library with what I was learning. It became clear that the organization isn't about finding the truth but about making their preconceived ideas sound plausible by creative writing and withholding facts.

    I read Ray Franz's book about the governing body and several books that exposed the Bible for the man made book that it is. And where is God without the Bible? Oddly enough, a Christian on this board recently called me "closed minded". I guess the name calling goes both ways, eh?


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