Hey there! (just an update)

by purplesofa 13 Replies latest members private

  • purplesofa

    Just a big Hello to everyone!!!

    Hope everyone got over holidays without much wear and tear!
    Mine was very interesting.

    I want to thank all for the cards and gifts I received, and will do that personally very soon.

    As you all know my daughter is having a baby soon!!! Last weeks doctors visit, the doc said one to two weeks!! So every phonecall from her is never missed.

    Her baby shower is this Saturday. Presents from people from here at JWD will be given to her (offically) a that time. I thank all in advance for the lovely gifts and Jess will be sending out cards soon and pics to some of you.

    Jess also moved into her own apt this past week, so I have been helping her out as much as I can. I want to move in with her!!! Her place is lovely and cozy and almost ready for our new arrival.

    She has decided to keep the original name Jada Marie, although, she did consider Jada Journey for awhile and Journey Marie, and did read all the names suggested on the baby J name thread. We talked about alot but this little girl already has been called Jada for months and well, thats how we already know her.

    I chatted with a JW recently that I had not spoke to for at least two years, seems he knows about my posting here, which I found very interesting. I know this place gets alot of hits, there just has to be heaps of JW's that do check this place out. Since I Have been known as purplesofa online for about 8 years now, some will recognize my name here........so, hey to those that are lurking here!!

    Hope everyone is well and I do think of you all often, I am busy with my family and life and its been pretty wonderful.

    Peace and love,


  • BFD

    Glad to hear it purps. Nice to hear from you, Grandma!



    (((((((((((((((Purps))))))))))))))) - nothing is better than a grandchild. Jada Marie is a lovely name.

  • DJK

    Nice to hear from you. Good luck to all of you.

  • nomoreguilt

    Purps, I haven't had the pleasure yet, but it's nice to meet you. From what I read of your posts, you have things very well under control in your life. I have 3 grand kids, and they are a JOY! Best wishes to you and your daughter.


  • mouthy

    Great to hear the good news Granny

  • OnTheWayOut

    Great to hear from you. Hope it all works out fine (and soon) with the baby
    being born. Thanks for your update.

    I had a recent update that I was excited about. Here's the thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/9/150025/1.ashx

    It was about my wife not shunning her sister.

  • momzcrazy

    Hey purps!! I love the name Jada-that was the name my hubby suggested. You must let us know when darling gets here!


  • bikerchic

    Hey nice update! I'm happy to hear that all is going well for you and your daughter. Let us know when the little one arrives ok!

  • changeling

    Thanks for the update purps.

    My best to you and Jess,


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