Seeing JWs in a positive light.

by ScoobySnax 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • ScoobySnax

    Not a new light, just a positive light.

    Sometimes on here I worry that all JWs are painted with a bad brush when I know that not to be the case. Today I was looking after a JW patient on the ward and she was the most wonderful old girl you could meet, she really made me smile, and she was bright as a button. Later her family came in, who I didn't recognise and they were just as pleasent. Real nice people, and I meet some right assholes all day.

    Yesterday after work I was shopping and bumped into a sister by chance from my old cong, we stopped and had a chat, I remember her from when I was about 5 years old, and growing up, and she was still the same. Of course she encouraged me to come back to the meetings and gave me a memorial invite (I was going anyway) ...but she was and still is a lovely person.

    Many here feel hurt by whatever has happened to them, and I don't want to detract from that either. But sometimes its good to keep a balance..... I'll make this statement, and then you can take from it what you want, but in my case its true...... I think *most* JWs are great bunch of people who have a special warmth about them.

    You must remember people in the Org who were like this....?


  • kaykay_mp

    ok. ya got me!

    There was a deleted elder's wife who would always invite others over every once in a while for snacks while FS was going on and would invite us to go swimming in her pool on occasion. Considering the stereotypes of elder's wives, she was an all right chick.



  • candidlynuts

    there are a lot of jw's that i love and would call good people. theres no doubt that you can see some in a positive light.

  • wannaexit

    The org has the same mix of people as any other place. You have the really nice folks and the ones you could do without.

    In my experience in the org I have met my share of good and kind people but an equal number of very insincere and hateful individuals that would not think twice to stab you in the back.


  • kaykay_mp

    I think it's safe to say that every religion has it's share of good ppl and bad ppl. It just happens to be fun to parody the bad ppl.



  • Seeking Knowledge
    Seeking Knowledge

    In my limited experience, my daughter went to a home daycare which was run by a JW family, they NEVER gave me any problems, never forced it, I always provided a Christmas gift to her every year, (once I found out she was JW I didn't use Christmas paper or cards anymore) and she did expose my very level headed daughter to their relgion, by taking her to one of the conventions for a bit. I never minded, I'm all for freedom of choice. It wasn't until I met my Ex and have learned what I learned that I've seen the downside of JW's. So yea, there are good ones out there, but there sure are the bad ones as well, and I'm sure it's like that wherever you go!

  • hillary_step


    Sometimes on here I worry that all JWs are painted with a bad brush when I know that not to be the case. Today I was looking after a JW patient on the ward and she was the most wonderful old girl you could meet, she really made me smile, and she was bright as a button. Later her family came in, who I didn't recognise and they were just as pleasent. Real nice people, and I meet some right assholes all day.

    Did you tell them that you are an ex Jehovah's Witness homosexual who spends time posting on a discussion Board inhabited by 'apostates' and atheists?


  • ScoobySnax

    no i didn't HS.

  • sugarbritches

    I'm sure there must be some nice ones out there, but i haven't met one yet. That doesn't mean they don't exist- it just means that the ones i have dealt with were heartless. Sad but true.

  • cyber-sista

    Yes, I know some who are just naturally warm hearted. The most loving ones seem to be the most depressed at times. I think they have a hard time fitting their large-heartedness into the whole WT agenda. When Jesus gave the command to love your neighbor as yourself and the WT gives the command to avoid your neighbor and consider his as bad association for you--it is hard to reconsile these things in the mind of a person who is truly trying to follow Christian principles. The only JW friend who still associates with me is very big- hearted, but dangerously depressed and on a lot of meds. If you are truly obiedient to the WT Org you cannot really love. Sorry, that's not very positive, but has been my experience.


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