Circuit overseer "rips them a new one"

by Mulan 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    My JW buddy just called me with some "fun" news. They had the CO last week, and of course Dave and I were part of the elder's meeting agenda. My friend has just had a conversation with one of the elders, who told her about it because it involved her. It seems some of the lovely sisters in the local congregation have seen her car at my house, from time to time and taken pictures of it here. They have showed them around, and someone reported to the CO that pictures were taken of her car at my house. For one thing I hired her to clean in my parent's living area, and to do odd jobs that I am not able to do, and for another thing, we are not disfellowshipped, so what is the big deal if she is here anyway?

    It seems the CO agrees with the last comment, and said "these 4 sisters had the audacity to photograph her car to try and make trouble for this sister who is doing nothing wrong". Then he launched into an attack on the elders for allowing these 4 women to try and control the congregation. We knew exactly which 4 women it is too. This elder told her not to worry anymore about this situation and that Dave and I are to be viewed as INACTIVE only, and that the CO told them that "this problem is OVER now, and there is to be a local needs part asap." I can't wait to hear about that.

    We were both laughing so hard by the time I had to hang up, that my friend had to agree it made her day too. She said she will tape record that meeting for us.

    Of course when our Christmas tree goes up next month, things will change if they see it. Ho Ho Ho

  • 95stormfront


    Even better it would be for you do make an appearance at the hall and sit front and center during this special needs talk.

    That is...if you can stomache it.

  • czarofmischief

    Wait... a circuit overseer working AGAINST the spying, gossiping, and scheming?

    Hmmm... something is afoot.


  • nilfun
    It seems some of the lovely sisters in the local congregation have seen her car at my house, from time to time and taken pictures of it here.


    God, some people are scary - this "detective work" is just... WEIRD.

    Hang in there, ((Mulan))

  • jwbot

    If all the JW's were like that CO, it might have been a tolerable religion.

  • drwtsn32

    LOL That is too funny!! Thanks for sharing!

  • blondie

    I wonder if they counted their time when they were watching your house and taking pictures, Mulan?

    I can see it now Four Sisters Detective Agency; can women be d*cks private investigators?


  • Euphemism

    ROFL @ blondie!

    Yeah, I've actually known CO's who had their heads screwed on straight, at least about some things. And besides, can't allow those sisters to become a Jezebel influence, now can we?

  • ozziepost

    Nice news item, Mulan. What a hoot!Braces

    There is a serious side though, isn't there? Control, control, and even more control. Such was life in the Borg.

    Mrs Ozzie says to say Hi.

    Cheers, OzzieCheers 2

  • anglise

    Hi Mulan

    that really is a surprising outcome.

    How much differant the outcome would have been if the CO was a typical society man. Wonder how long he will last? Unless of course the borg is softening.


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