The Poor JW Children

by larc 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc

    The children

    There are many things that could be changed, and even though I would never go back, I think there are some very basic changes they could make in their child rearing practices, simple changes that would make a big difference in their society.

    1. Don't force small children to sit for two hours in a chair.

    This was discussed at length on the thread about slapping children at the Kingdom Hall.

    2. Don't bring children to meetings where the subject has to do with adult sexual practices.

    3. Don't tell teenagers that they can't ask someone out for a date unless marriage is on their mind.

    4. Don't tell them that they are not special, that they have to humble themselves and be like everyone else.

    5. Don't tell them they have to get good grades through high school as a reflection of what Jehovah has given them and then tell them they can't go to college when they graduate from high school at the top of their class.

    6. Don't tell your wordly neighbors that you give your children presents all through the year, but not on their birthday, when they have never seen a special gift wrapped present in their life.

    7. Don't expect a shy child to enjoy going from door to door and don't expect an extroverted, lively child to sit still at meetings.

    8. Don't tell an inquiring child not to ask questions and don't tell them not to read interesting books.

    9. Don't surprised if you don't change your ways that your children will leave you, even though they love you.

  • philo

    Hey Iarc!

    That's really sound thinking. You're not You know someone who criticises the WT, are you. I just can't seem to get the word out.


  • larc

    My dear friends,

    I had to get this off my chest. The way the poor children are treated is simply awful. Everything they do lowers a child's feeling of uniqueness and importance. My own children never went through that, and although they could have done more than I had hoped, they are still warm, loving, good human beings, with no "inculcation" no week after week of programing, they grew up like flowers in a garden, and I am happy to know them as my children and as my friends. Thank God for minor miracles.

  • Thirdson


    Great post! I totally agree with your comments.

    Another one would be, don't frighten the children with stories of God killing everyone except may be some at the kingdom hall.

    I experienced a lot of what you posted. I started down the path of doing the same to my son. So glad I stopped. His birthday is coming up this will be the 5th time we have celebrated properly.


  • Angharad

    Great post Larc, I couldn't agree more

  • ianao


    Great ideals Larc. Every change the society makes is another flip-flop for opposers to gripe about, so I can't see things changing without legal pressures. If this is how you were raised, then I commend you for breaking from your mental/spiritual bonds.

    Don't tell teenagers that they can't ask someone out for a date unless marriage is on their mind.
    I'm assuming that the reasoning behind this is that "God's people" are happy creatures and compatibility is a sure thing? The whole point of a DATE is to let the couple determine compatibility. Heck, why not throw out dating and have on-the-spot proposals?
  • Moridin

    Great post...this is something I've thougt a lot about. My father left the org about three years ago and since then apologized for his actions as a father in restricting us from most of the normal activities of a youth. I told him that it wasn't his fault, but the fault of those that programmed him to act in the way he did. This subject is the very reason why I try and help those in cults specifically the witnesses. It breaks my heart to see young ones that can't smile because nothing in their life is worth smiling over. I would almost dare to say that at least 75% of witness teens have suicidal thoughts and tendencies. It's very sad.

  • expatbrit

    Hi Larc:

    Some really good points in your post.

    The trouble is that if the WT did not do the negative things you've highlighted, JW kids would grow up with enquiring, freedom-loving, non-judgemental minds. In other words, not good JW material at all!

    I'm sure your kids appreciate the happy upbringing you gave them.


  • DannyBear

    Dear Bro.Larc,

    These questions beg for answers from the GB. They are responsible for the critical condition of Jw youth.

    They just proceed on with their proclomations, rules, and policies...ignoring the true state of affairs regarding the youth. For a religion that touts itself as the only one 'with love among themselves'....they fall off the charts as to scoring highly in this arena.

    Do they offer activities for the youth (other than 5 boring meetings a week), do they encourage the youth to associate with one another? Thus sayeth the GB(parties, dancing, music all suspect) 'all that is
    required is more hours spent in 'field service'. Bah Humbug, yes indeedy that is what every teenager just idolizes...a day out selling magazines that they know, nobody ever reads. Not to mention the pure humiliation of being observed by their peers doing so. What a CROCK.

    You got out in time larc, you may well have saved your children untold misery and depression. I wish that my own daughter's could have been extracted from the religion, in time to save them from all the anxiety, guilt and refuse they now are obliged to carry....

    The WTBS deserves no quarter on this issue. They have ruined so many young lives it is pathetic.

    Great post brother...I suppose we will see follow up articles soon in the LeanTower and Asleep?


  • alias

    I appreciated reading your post too. I was three when our family started attending meetings, and can really relate! I wasn't allowed to sleep, draw, or read any "other" books when sitting through meetings. I frequently got smacked back into line if I was squirmy. Thank goodness for trips to the restroom. I have no idea how I made it through all those years!

    My own children never went through that, and although they could have done more than I had hoped, they are still warm, loving, good human beings, with no "inculcation" no week after week of programing, they grew up like flowers in a garden, and I am happy to know them as my children and as my friends. Thank God for minor miracles.
    Yes, thank goodness for that. You are truly blessed!


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