by wannaexit 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wannaexit

    Recently the local congregation had the visit of the C.O.

    The local needs talk he usually gives was replaced by a talk he said will be given to many congregations around the world.

    This talk is targeting th very young. Kids are being strongly encouraged not to put off baptism and that children as young as 10 can make an informed decision to get baptized. Parents were told that if their young children want to get baptized, they should not stand in their children's way.

    Also, the congregation was urged to simplify their life and to follow the example of the governing body. He said that the FDS is getting rid of property they don't need for pupose of simplifying things and that they are freeing up funds to better promote the good news.

    "The governing body feels that we are very close to the end" This expression is being tossed around freely recently . i have personally heard it from C.O. and bethel members here in Canada.

    What do you think of this?


  • NeonMadman

    The GB has always felt that we are very close to the end. And of course they want kids baptized young and under the WT thumb before they really know what they are getting into. I'm surprised they haven't gotten "new light" allowing infant baptism yet! 10 isn't that incredibly young; I had friends who got baptized at that age as far back as the 60's (not that I think it's a good idea, but it's not new).

  • LyinEyes

    This makes me sick. I dont know many children that at the age of 10 can decide for themselves such deep matters. I don't care how advanced , intelligent , mature a kid is at 10, they just don't have the life experience to commit to such a serious things as the JW's put on baptizm. I always thought we were to follow Jesus example, and if God's own Son waited until he was a mature MAN,,,,,,,shouldnt we do the same?

    Right before we left the JW's , my son was 14 and had been pressured for years to get baptized. He knew he wasnt ready, and I knew he wasnt ready. I am glad now that we didnt push him , in fact we held him back on that .

    Also, the congregation was urged to simplify their life and to follow the example of the governing body. He said that the FDS is getting rid of property they don't need for pupose of simplifying things and that they are freeing up funds to better promote the good .

    This sound like they are already making excuses , making their way out of a bad situation,,,,,trying to save face maybe? Maybe they know they are going to lose alot of money , with all the child abuse cases, they are about to lose in court.

    Maybe they dont want to pay taxes,,,,,,who knows,,,,,,,but for sure I can bet they are not doing it for the preaching work.

    When did they ever care about "doing good" to the brothers in other parts of the world who had their meetings in grass huts , sittting on the ground, while they were nice and posh in their fine suits and expensive buildings?

    This truly makes me sick.

  • ColdRedRain

    This actually works in our favor, for you see, if they baptize more people under the age of 18, they're legally able to sign baptismal recovation forms. And since the WT can't keep any members in their churches, this may be the beginning of the end.

  • metatron

    Hard to say. Many C.O.'s can get frustrated and spout off a lot of nonsense that they attribute to the Governing Body.

    I KNOW this for a fact -since our congregation had problems with several arrogant C.O.'s , who kept lying and exaggerating

    about what the "faithful slave" told them to teach.

    Basically, they want 'infant' or child baptism??!! Can a ten year old make such life altering decisions? Can a ten year old

    chose a marriage mate or decide on a career? This is breathtakingly unscriptural.

    Know one thing: THEY ARE GETTING DESPERATE! THEY must see , from behind the scenes, how the organization

    is quietly rotting away. I say they doubt their own statistics and declarations of growth!

    Keep chipping away! These broadgage liars are sinking and they know it.


  • blondie

    Two years ago, I heard a GB member tell parents that their children had to be baptized in order to survive Armageddon. He did not name an age but he did say that pre-teens were young enough pointing to Samuel and the Naaman's Israelite slave girl. Notice that they do not have any NT examples to point to but only children that were already part of a dedicated nation.

    As to the getting rid of unnecessary property, I'll believe that when they get rid of Patterson, the resort/retirement complex of the GB.

    I heard similar statements before 1975 and in the late 80's.

    I think the WTS is hurting financially as far as cash flow and this is their way of guilting JWs into donating.

    km 12/03 p. 7 Announcements

    As a reminder to the brothers handling the congregation accounts, donations placed in the boxes for the Worldwide Work and for the Kingdom Hall Fund are to be remitted monthly and should not be used for payment on a Kingdom Hall property loan or for any other congregation expense.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Re: the baptism of the young. It has an unsettling resemblance to Hitler's ``scraping the bottom of the barrel" in April 1945 by pressing pre-adoloscent boys into the front lines to a desperation move to stem the Red Army's hordes closing in on Berlin.

    The ``company line" used to be that dedication and baptism together represent life's most serious commitment, outranking even marriage; now the gerontocrats have cynically opted for ``increases at all costs," even if it means inching closer to inant baptism.

  • Leolaia

    Just goes to show how much of a freaking corporation it is. All they care about is the "bottom line". Just gotta keep those baptism figures up, if that means getting more children who lack the skills to make informed decisions to baptize, so be it.

  • ozziepost
    I heard a GB member tell parents that their children had to be baptized in order to survive Armageddon

    I guess this GB member would never have allowed "survival" (whatever that means!) to the evildoer on the cross next to Jesus. Interestingly, Jesus did not tell him to get down off his cross and get baptised before he died!!!!! Instead he promised him that he would be with him in paradise!!!!

  • itsallgoodnow

    "The governing body feels that we are very close to the end" Yeah, I've heard that before.

    Just what these poor kids need, to be strong armed into getting baptized earlier. It used to be that you could stand it for a couple of years if you held off and didn't do it, and then left the family when you could afford to at around 20. It really shows how many kids must be using that tactic of sticking around, holding off baptism and then leaving the nest, with no intention of staying in the troof.

    But now, they are trying to take that option away from the kids. This is very telling about the desperate state of stagnated growth.

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