The Idiocy of the Universal Sovreignty Issue

by Black Man 63 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Black Man
    Black Man

    Does anyone else have trouble processing the logic behind the WTS issue of universal sovreignty? Why empower Satan to make claims and give him the time and circumstances to prove his claims? Why have a bet between 2 people decide the fate of the universe? Why let the fate of the universe be determined by munchin' on some fruit? Why allow billions of people suffer in agony and die. Why let the world be racked by war, strife, corruption, hunger, bad economy, crime, etc.? To any sensible person the issue of universal sovreignty could've been settled right at the time of the using a little...well....sovreignty. Either this God is one of the most quirky, illogical persons ever or we just don't have the full story. The only person that seems to get any love out of the whole thing is SATAN.

    Even early on, this whole story never seemed logical and yet it is at the crux of the WTS teachings because it makes christ's ransom sacrifice necessary. But the whole story is UNNECESSARY. Thoughts?

  • Hamas

    Remember, it is not just the wacky Watchtower that prints this rubbish. Many other religions feel the same way about this issue.

    Good bait for athiests to use, as a believer in God myself I can never understand why he lets his children die like this.

  • Jessica Rabbit
    Jessica Rabbit

    I have wondered about these issues too. Mostly about all of the human suffering over who should be in charge of the universe. Why do we have to suffer over something between those two. Plainly put, but it just doesn't make sense to me either and I think that is the main thing that gets in the way of me really feeling like I could ever have a close relationship with God. It's because he is VERY hard to figure out.


  • Gopher

    YES indeed. If this was truly the issue, it should have been solved by now. How many more millions of people need suffer and die before the God of the Bible takes action? If more people suffer, does that somehow make God more right than before?

    Yet we are told by the WT society that God will act at the best time for everyone involved. You just need to hang in there and keep serving God the Society, and you will get your reward. Maybe. If you're not drawn away by immorality or apostacy and then don't repent in time. Oops I got off subject.

  • Black Man
    Black Man


    That's true, but why do so many people fall for it? That story has soooo many pot-holes and pitfalls for it to really be taken seriously.

    Jessica R:

    Yeah, it seems as if the whole situation is the result of one big ego-trip and we're just pawns. And you're right, I can't draw close to someone so quirky and illogical.


    WTS always goes to Revelation to talk about how God will just wipe everything away, but nothing can wipe away thousands of years of pain on billions of people. To attribute this mindset to God sure makes him seem aloof, naive, and out-of-touch with the human experience. It's so true, what you said......if it was really about a sovreignty issue, it would've been settled by now. In my opinion, God should've showed his SOVREIGNTY back then, now that would've been impressive. All we have left with now is a non-sensical story fit for the funny pages.

  • greven

    Yeah it is quite a cruel joke when you think about it. Humanity suffering thousands of years because God and Satan are having a bet. Then when God has finallt proven his point he wipes Satan and all his followers and place the faithful ones in a paradise.

    But what prevents another angel from starting the same bet again with God?

    New fallen angel: Hey God, you think you've won eh? Well, I think you cheated on Satan!

    God: No I did not! And I'll prove it too!

    Humanity: Noooooooo! Not again!


  • blackout

    And what about if Satan wins???

  • Satanus

    From the looks of the universe, noone is in charge. This theology gets around that, even though any objective person can see that it doesn't work.


  • funkyderek

    It's very similar to the movie Trading Places where Dan Ackroyd and Eddie Murphy are forced to swap lives for a one dollar bet between two millionaires. They don't take into account the feelings of the people involved.

  • Noumenon

    I think the issues are real and are there, just as the Society have explained them. They are only saying what the bible reveals. I think to question these fundamental issues is to cast doubt on whether God in fact exists, whether the bible is inspired or not (a story, you say?), whether the Devil is real. Your comments tell me you are struggling with these things also. Perhaps you need to answer those questions for yourself once and for all before you can understand the real issue of why does god allow wickedness.

    You are also casting aspersions on God's character, implying that he should have done something about it all long ago. This is a small-minded attitude. How dangerous for someone to think like this, to dare question the Almighty Creator himself, who's ways and thoughts are higher than ours as the heavens are higher than the earth. I'm reminded of the scripture where it says 'who can point their finger at him and ask 'what have you been doing'". This is the slippery slope of foolish pride and rebellion of a dark heart craving independence from God control in any form at all.

    It's all about free will, and why we should do things God's way, or just our way. It gets to the core of what life's meaning is all about. Just why does God (assuming you really believe in him!) allow wickedness to exist? Why has he not stepped in until now? There must be reasons and answers to such profound questions, and yes the bible answers them. The Society, while wrong on many things, have got these prime things right, and I think someone is throwing the baby out with the water to question all this.

    I have no problem at all with the WBTS's teachings on these things, and in fact instead of knocking them I think these issues they bring to light are part of the few central beliefs they have spot on. Thank you early bible students and JW's for that at least. Thank Jehovah for telling us life's meaning in his holy Word the bible, and for giving us purpose and a hope for the future.

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