
by dunsscot 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • dunsscot

    :It's going the same place as the mythical bird which flies in ever decreasing circles until it disappears up its own arse! Like all Dunsscot's posts.:

    "Pseudo-Dionysius says that the wisdom of the contemplative moves in a motus orbicularis--a circling and hovering motion like that of the eagle above some invisible quarry, or the turning of a planet around an invible sun" (Thomas Mrrton, Zen and the Birds of Appetite).

    Duns the Scot

    "Nobody is taller than himself or herself."

  • dunsscot

    :I don't know, what do you think?. Do you think, or do you just let the 'experts' think for you?:

    Sum ergo cogito.

    Duns the Scot

    "Nobody is taller than himself or herself."

  • proplog2

    Infinitism sounds good. Mature and creative minds are comfortable with ambiguity. Too many sell out cheap just to be able to close the books on a subject. I prefer to tie knots in the end of some subjects until I can give it some serious consideration.

  • Stephanus

    I'm not "hounding" you, Duns, I'm simply providing the forum your ego was obviously desiring when you first tantalised us with that tidbit. I know how I would answer the question, but I was asking you how YOU, with your WBTS training would answer it. Maybe you're afraid of an argument. Surely not you!! Pr. 27:17

    Naeblis, it was the Oozelum Bird.

    BTW, Duns, I cleaned up a hastily written post - hastily written to try and attract the attention of a lying weasel - one who said he'd no longer grace us with his presence. It really is an intellectual lowlife who stoops to petty grammar and spelling correction instead of engaging in true argument. I'd like to see how far you got if you tried doing that at the end of your elders' talks from the platform. Some people just don't have the time to waste straining out the gnats that your peurile brand of Phariseeism sees as such an obstacle to communication.

    I thought YOU knew Greek, and YOU were here to teach us. Now do so - what IS your little insight into pros and the accusative in John 1:1?

    w75 9/1 519 Insight on the News: One young promiscuous woman who received a kidney from her older, conservative, well-behaved sister, at first seemed very upset. Then she began imitating her sister in much of her conduct.

  • dunsscot

    :Infinitism sounds good. Mature and creative minds are comfortable with ambiguity. Too many sell out cheap just to be able to close the books on a subject. I prefer to tie knots in the end of some subjects until I can give it some serious consideration.:

    Believe it or not, I agree with you here, Proplog. I think infinitism reminds us of the need to recognize the provisionality of our knowledge at any point in time. I even try to practice a modified form of infinitism as a JW. Duns thinks that JWs possess the truth and he may even judge THAT the JW organization is God's Organization. But a part of me also knows that there could be some major holes in a number of JW beliefs. Ergo, I think that we all should humbly and tentatively formulate ideas and systems.


    Duns the Scot

    "Nobody is taller than himself or herself."

  • dunsscot

    :I'm not "hounding" you, Duns, I'm simply providing the forum your ego was obviously desiring when you first tantalised us with that tidbit. I know how I would answer the question, but I was asking you how YOU, with your WBTS training would answer it. Maybe you're afraid of an argument. Surely not you!! Pr. 27:17:

    Greek grammar is Greek grammar. I would probably answer the question in the same way that you would, if you are up to snuff on your Greek prepositions and how they function with specific cases. Believe me, I am not afraid to argue with filth and scum any day of the week. I just hate to waste my time on little "nippers" like you.

    :BTW, Duns, I cleaned up a hastily written post - hastily written to try and attract the attention of a lying weasel - one who said he'd no longer grace us with his presence.:

    I was not lying, scum. I explained why I prolonged my stay.

    :It really is an intellectual lowlife who stoops to petty grammar and spelling correction instead of engaging in true argument.:

    Grammar and spelling correction are not "petty" issues. One is not truly qualified to discourse with Doctor Scot if he or she makes elementary Latin grammar mistakes like my friend AF did. Errors in English are even more abominable.

    :I'd like to see how far you got if you tried doing that at the end of your elders' talks from the platform. Some people just don't have the time to waste straining out the gnats that your peurile [sic] brand of Phariseeism [sic] sees as such an obstacle to communication. I thought YOU knew Greek, and YOU were here to teach us. Now do so - what IS your little insight into pros and the accusative in John 1:1?:

    I cannot teach anyone, lowlife. There is one thing that I know. That is it!

    Duns the Scot

    "Nobody is taller than himself or herself."

  • joelbear

    Duns says:

    Duns thinks that JWs possess the truth and he may even judge THAT the JW organization is God's Organization. But a part of me also knows that there could be some major holes in a number of JW beliefs

    Joelbear sincerely asks:

    How can the truth contain holes?

    Joelbear goes on to say:

    I believe in truth, I just haven't found many truths that exist outside of natural laws. All other ideas are beliefs which are formulated because of specific reasons (experiences, exposure to a specific set of ideas, the chemical make up of the individual's brain which could affect their senses or because the ideas promote a specific agenda of an individual or a group) which I agree could go on infinitely.

    All of our individual thoughts and thought patterns and the associated actions they cause us to perform are part of physical reality. All of them cause changes in the totality of being which is the living universe at any given moment. One of my theories of Lifeism is that everything that has ever happened is dependent on the first thing that ever happened, thus the present could not possibly be any different than it is.

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist


    The Ancient Philosophers that founded and practiced in the early schools of thought might be surprised at the developments in the thinking communities today.

    While the ancients thrived in a microcosm, a world known only by the boundaries of primitive transportation and limited information, the post-modern scholars and practitioners are heavily influenced in a world dominated by information, mostly media.

    This environmental and social change has a dramatic effect in the directions taken and postures assumed by today's "Magister Illuminatus".

    For example, whereas the ancients sought not to explain the origins of all existences, they concentrated on the essences instead. Due to scientific limitations, and the unknown, wisdom developed an ability to enhance life's experiences through examination of its essence, its being, NOT its origins.

    Here's the contrast; post-modern thinking seeks to explain the origins of present wisdom, the cause and effect relationships, science and the psyche, truth and discovery, the reliance and development of credos, and misses some key opportunities, namely the essence which enhances life!

    While there are thousands upon thousands of treatises, essays, journals, books, seminars, scholars, professors, doctors and others, humanity is still faced with the harsh reality that we are only answering a few more questions than the ancients.

    While a sea of 6 billion humans scurries about on this planet, from place to place, like insects under a microscope, our solar system, this galaxy and the entire universe are millions of eons away from complete and thorough explanation.

    As a graduate student, I often wondered how the course of wisdom would have developed if human history had been different on this planet. Supposing human society had evolved or developed into a utopian society instead, would our modern thinking enhance our existence or delve into explanations?


  • bboyneko

    Utopian Reformist sed:

    As a graduate student, I often wondered how the course of wisdom would have developed if human history had been different on this planet. Supposing human society had evolved or developed into a utopian society instead, would our modern thinking enhance our existence or delve into explanations?

    I concur. How would we have developed if A ERRANT SPACESHIP LOADED with super-devloped monkeys and apes crash-landed on earth from our future (they were being used as experimental alternatives to manned exploratory space missions) into our past and then the super-monkeys escaped and evolved over the course of millions of years into the dominant intelligent species on earth and enslaved humanity, but then marky-mark lands on earth and saves us all only to have it all erased by a single idiotic descision that left no coonsideration to space-time and continuims??

    I think we likley would have not developed such things as infinitsm. But I betcha we would have invented cosmetics judging by some of the girls on our hypothetical planet.


  • ladonna

    Hi Duns, jokes this time

    Infinitism is like foundationalism in holding that there are features of the world, perhaps non-normative features, that make a belief a reason. Not just any old belief is a reason. Infinitism is unlike foundationalism because infinitism holds that there are no ultimate, foundational reasons. Every reason stands in need of another reason. This can be stated in a principle -- the Principle of Avoiding Arbitrariness (PAA).

    My ten cents,

    I will defend, to your death, my right to my opinion.

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