List everything you hate here....

by under74 61 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • FlyingHighNow
    Trevor, it's yer libido. Get over it.

    Ah, we all have someone who is a celebrity or star who just moves us. I have a guy or two that do that to me. They make me dizzy. Not just their looks, but their personal power and magnetism.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    Ah, we all have someone who is a celebrity or star who just moves us.

    Ah, yes, FHN. There're a few that make my liver quiver. I just couldn't resist over Trevor's comment. He left himself wide open for that...heheh


  • Soledad
    Fellow students who don't show up to class, or spend it talking to the person next to them. They don't have a clue what's going on and then expect me to give up my lunch hour to teach it to them so they can pass the test.

    I used to get really irked by that when I was in school. The same thing happens to me now but in the workplace----someone, or a entire department of someones doesn't do what they are supposed to and leave others to clean up after their little mess.....I absolutely despise that.

  • trevor

    Frannie Banannie - Thank you for identifying the cause of my crisis.

    Actually I am now bored with Britney. She is too young for me. I have decided to focus on Angelina Jolie.

    What I really hate is Brad Pitt!

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    Actually I am now bored with Britney. She is too young for me. I have decided to focus on Angelina Jolie.

    OOOOOOOOOOO, Trevor! I see your taste has matured. Jolie is a major mega-BABE!!


  • lola28

    1. GWB

    2. People who touch the food on my plate (don't touch my food!!!)


  • Joel Wideman
    Joel Wideman

    Asparagus. It tastes awful, is difficult to chew thoroughly, makes your urine stink, and my mother insisted it was good for me.

    Small spiders. Not the big ones, no. The small ones you can barely see as they dangle from the ceiling above your head, waiting for you to fall asleep. Then they descend, slowly so as not to disturb. They time it just right, and as you inhale, they crawl inside your mouth, down your throat, then into your stomach. There they lay their eggs, from which millions of babies will hatch and eat you alive from the inside.

    That feeling you get when you've eaten too many marshmallow peeps, and you're now coming off the sugar high.

    The shocking trends in the young girls' clothing industry.

    When elevators are out of order and the stairs look like they were designed by Escher.

    That tag on the back of t-shirts that is apparently made from a cake of itching powder.

    The way my eyelashes are so long they smudge my glasses.

    How people assume I mostly stay indoors or don't talk to them because I'm shy.

    People. I'm not shy.

    Anyone who insists on mispronouncing my name. I'm not kidding. Don't do it.

    The way our justice system puts sex offenders back on the street to make room in jail for drug users.


    My insomnia.

    The way our government treats our veterans.

    Artificial additives that either taste like ass, or make you change your underwear.

    Militant idealism.

    Bad actors ruining good movies. Halle Berry, I'm looking at you.

    Directors that have no clue. Michael Bay, I'm looking at you.


    The kind of computer illiteracy rarely found outside of management.

    Copyeditors, but I realize they are a necessary evli.

    Copyeditors again, for correcting and thereby ruining that joke.

    Parents who blame everything but themselves when their kids screw up.

    The fact that I can never finish lists without thinking I left something out.

  • stevenyc


    trapping my penis in my trouser fly

    sitting on half eaten chewing gum

    listening to bagpipes with a hangover

    over-cooked brussell sprouts

    corporate bosses who use school yard tacktics to bully their stall becuase they are maggots

    stubbing my toe

    catching the bus, reading my book for an hour, only then to realise I'm on the wrong bus

    being late(see above)

    petty minded peopple

    bullshit spiewing evangelists

    cars that wont start on a cold wet morning

  • BrendaCloutier

    Fleas, Mosquitos, Biting Flies, Chiggers, Tics, Sand Flies

    Brussel Spouts (little alien cabbages)

    Cleaning house

    Cold rainy days (not to be confused with WARM rainly days)

    Rude drivers, especially those in a hurry

    Having FibroMyalgia, but grateful it's not worse or deadly

  • mrsjones5

    dog poop on my lawn

    breaking a fingernail

    cooking dinner - sometimes


    Mountain Dew or anything that taste like Mountain Dew - Ew!

    Cant think of anything else at the moment

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