From a true American patriot

by Simon 55 Replies latest social current

  • seeitallclearlynow
    You are right about me speaking more about America and less about Americans ... maybe I don't make that clear enough? Even when Americans are discussed it's usually from the aspect of American society rathen than them as individual people.

    I've always seen your "American" views that way. It was a given.

    America's foreign policy affects the planet I live on and people I care about.

    Other good friends who are British have expressed this to me too.

  • flower
    So Badger. What would constant criticism of a forum owner by someone who does nothing to help run the site make someone?

    Reminds me of my father who used to believe that his kids had no right to an opinion on anything because they didnt 'pay the bills'.

    I think that everyone here, especially those who have taken the time to post DO help run the site just by their being here. A message board is nothing without messages.

  • SixofNine

    no, see, Simon was commenting on Badgers comment where he said "" nevermind.

  • flower

    I know what he was commenting on Six. I just dont think a long time board member criticizing the way a board is run is the same as some foreigner criticizing America.

    An outsider who has never lived here or paid taxes here or contributed anything worthwhile to America is more like some newbie who has made no posts suddenly criticizing Simon for how things are run.

    I think anyone who has spent years and made hundreds or thousands of worthwhile posts here has a right to at least have their opinion heard. They dont deserve to immediately be labled as a troublemaker.

  • SixofNine

    Simon's point about people all over the world having every right to criticise the US president, as they are very much affected by his policies/actions, tax payed or no, is a good one.

    btw, I agree with this:

    "I think anyone who has spent years and made hundreds or thousands of worthwhile posts here has a right to at least have their opinion heard. They dont deserve to immediately be labled as a troublemaker."

  • Soledad
    Not everyone who finds your sometimes crude statements about our country offensive are offended because we are content to wave flags and say "were the best" regardless of whats going on around us.

    absolutely! I couldn't have said that better myself.

    I am totally frustrated with our state of affairs. In my neighborhood, schools lack basic supplies such as desks, chairs, books, chalk for the blackboard, even toilet paper!

    how can the "no child left behind" president allow this to happen?

    we're the best? I must say, when I lived in Venezuela and went to school there I got a far better education there in 2 years than I did in 7 years here! yet noone---board of ed people, local politicians, even the press---wants to address this issue. Better to duck one's head in the sand I suppose!

  • misspeaches

    Simon said:

    I don't think there IS a "best country"

    Hello? What about Australia? Australia Rocks!!!!! Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Australians all let us rejoice,
    For we are young and free;
    We've golden soil and wealth for toil,
    Our home is girt by sea;
    Our land abounds in Nature's gifts
    Of beauty rich and rare;
    In history's page, let every stage
    Advance Australia fair!
    In joyful strains then let us sing,
    "Advance Australia fair!"

  • FlyingHighNow
    Simon said:
    I don't think there IS a "best country"

    Hello? What about Australia? Australia Rocks!!!!! Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Okay, this is cute and made me laugh and smile. Thanks, Peaches. By the way, I've never, ever been there, but I agree, Australia rocks.

  • stillajwexelder

    Australia - yes- aren;t you all descended from British convicts?

  • FlyingHighNow
    Australia - yes- aren;t you all descended from British convicts?

    Mebbe, but they sure turn out some very good movies and comedy.

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