If you could change just one thing in the org.........

by ButtLight 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • crazyblondeb

    I'd make everything in New York disappear, then the congregations would have to think for themselves.


    PS-My first thought is what buttlight said--get rid of the borg--period!

  • freedom96

    It would have to be the shunning policy for friends or family.

  • Cordelia

    i agree the horriable shunning of loved ones, it breaks everyones heart the shunned and the shunners HOW CAN THEY THINK ITS LOVING?




  • reagan_oconnor
    Simple: Encourage real public discussions and questioning of the official doctrines.

    LAD to this.

  • riotgirlpeeps

    Yep the "org" has to go. Calling it the "organ" sounds worse and more suiting I think.

  • Frog

    i would get rid of that pesky bible...

    ...er, oh wait, they've already done that. hmm.

    TPS??? I'm guessing you don't mean they've put the NWTOTHS out of print?! You mean they've replaced the real "word" with GB speak??

    I'd have to say encouraging secondary research outside of the WT library...

  • heathen

    I think one thing for sure would be the blood doctrine . Especially the policing of it . I couldn't believe the anal view they had over carrying a blood card . I would do away with the beating children during the meetings , the whole memorial arrangement would change , the shunning thing would actually make sense if they didn't shun their own children . It is scriptural but only in certain circumstances . OHHHHHH jeeze I guess it would be an entirely different religion after I was done cause this list gets pretty long .......

  • TonyT

    I would destroy the territory card that included the address in which I resided as a child in 1972.

  • Frog

    sounds like you're more after a time machine TonyT?...if only huh. Frog x

  • zagor

    There's so much to change that WTBS wouldn't look like WTBS anymore, more like UN. But wait they are trying to be like UN.

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