How Do You Feel It Should Be Handled?

by Kismet 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    IMHO, like this:

    1. Upon accusation, cut off all contact between child and molester.
    2. Immediately take child for physical exam.
    3. Immediately take child for psychological exam.
    4. If allegation is supported, notify authorities

    Persue prosecution if a supportable case can be made.

    Oh, and if you are so inclined, you could notify the so-called "elders" at some point after #4. These men have no training, no inclination, and no ability to help you. Their main concern is glossing things over in order not to bring "reproach" upon "Jehovah's name" (as if being discovered later giving aid and comfort to a known molester doesn't accomplish the same thing). You and your child's problem are the least of their concerns. As the child's parent, your prime responsibility is the welfare of your children. So including the JWs anywhere prior to #4 is not in your child's best interest.

    IMHO, that is.


    Where it is a duty to worship the Sun you can be sure that a study of the laws of heat is a crime.

  • MadApostate

    In the two weeks or so that I've been here, I've seen the issue of "Is the Org entitled to Clerical Privilege" continuously mixed into the pedofile discussions.

    DROP IT! The US courts grant such to all religions, and the US Constitution forbids courts or lawmakers from making laws that would require them to treat one religion differently from another. If the Catholics have counselors trained in Jesuit Universities and Pentacostals have counselors who don't even have a high school diploma, the difference doesn't legally matter! As far as the government is concerned, it is a religious choice that individuals make when they join any given religion.

    With that said, the government can pass a law which treats all religions equally, so long as it doesn't intrude on their constitutional rights. Passing a law that requires the reporting of child abuse which was learned outside the confines of clerical counseling is such.

    If a religion has deficiencies in a particular area, then it is up to them to deal with such. That's where discussion, etc. of the JW pedofile problem is beneficial. It has taken "apostates" to get the Borg to remove their finger from their collective ass on this issue. Suggestions regarding proper in-house procedures ARE appropriate topics of discussion.

  • nelly136


    Hi Mad, I repectfully disagree with you. Changes
    NEED to be made, and this needs to be brought out
    of house


  • blondie

    Hi Tina. Just reporting not supporting. I just was showing that the elders don't even follow the few points that might really be helpful that they are "officially" given in print. I don't think any elders are equipped to handle this problem even with training. Not all law enforcement, court or people in the social services system are equipped to handle this properly but there are people who are if you look for them...not at the KH though.

  • nytelecom1
    Should the Society be entitled to 'ecclesiatic privilege' as are other religions?

    Hell yeah..why not...regardless if you think they are a cult or not..they are a relgion..and should be given the same legal privelges as any other org...Even thought this whole ecclesiasti privlege thing is a total menace to society

    Should such a loophole be allowed when it involves protecting children?

    Get rid of the whole thing all together..until then ..yes a loopwhole.]

    How should the Society respond locally with a convicted pedophile. Should they ever be allowed back in the congregation? If yes to what level?
    aaah the million dollar question.....this is obviously a mental it curable ..I doubt it...however many on this board complain of the whole idea of df'ing and what it it or not there are some people that are falsely convicted too and of course, you have the forgiveness of God, something that we can never yes only if they have proven themselves cured, repentant....however due to the nature of the crime restrictions would obvioulsy applied.........Like the man who molested Erica..he can never be with children in a car group, in a room alone......etc.
    How should local elders handle reports of alleged molestation? One child makes an accusation, what should they do? At what point should they notify authorities? At what point do they notify the congregation?
    have the child report it to the authorities.....immediately restrict the privileges the brother may have..and leave it at that..they shouldnt however punish until the courts decide.......
    We have all seen the movie "wild things" havent we???

  • Moxy

    ok, so some old naive elder who doesnt even know what child abuse is talking to some sister's young daughter, maybe has her sit on his lap (ok, he shouldnt do this but he doesnt know any better, say) or just touches her or something, totally innocently. this kid knows all about abuse from her over-protective mom and 'reports' him.

    so now who's ok with a scenario where this guy gets removed as an elder, reported to the police and the details of the problem are circulated and embelished (as all JW rumours are) thru-out his entire circle of friends and family? think it thru from this guy's perspective.

    im tired of quick and easy and absolute answers to this. sure, the WT's approach leaves a great deal to be desired, and changes appear to be coming. the fact is this is a very difficult situation to deal with everywhere. show me a legal or religious system thats come up with something satisfactory to everyone involved.


  • MadApostate


    Please specify what it is in my post that you disagree with, because I fully support any and all discussions/suggestions for the Borg to improve how it handles the pedofile issue.

    If you are disagreeing about the "Privilege" issue, then you obviously have no clue what you wish to argue about. If you want to waste your time posting arguments that have no possibility of impacting anything, then your time would be better spent joining a db advocating that the US change its form of government to Communism, Monarchy, or the like.

  • Frenchy

    Q: Should the Society be entitled to 'ecclesiastic privilege' as are other religions?
    A: Yes, if one religion is allowed it, then it should not be withheld from another. However, the rule should be thus: After confessing to child molestation the person should be allowed a reasonable time to confess to the authorities or else the elders should step forward and do so. After all his confessing to the elders will not get him absolution from God.
    Q: Should such a loophole be allowed when it involves protecting children?
    A: I don’t like loopholes. The safety of the Child must the paramount issue, however. So rather than a loophole let’s just call it a suspension of the rule if necessary.
    Q: How should the Society respond locally with a convicted pedophile. Should they ever be allowed back in the congregation? If yes to what level?
    A: No one should ever be ousted from a congregation in the first place. That’s God’s job. As to what level, I don’t think a person should ever be allowed ANY responsibility once it is established that he is a child molester. The danger to children is simply too great. If this person has lost some of his freedoms it is at his own hand. (you might want to substitute another body part here)
    Q: How should local elders handle reports of alleged molestation? One child makes an accusation, what should they do? At what point should they notify authorities? At what point do they notify the congregation?
    A: Recommend to the parents that the secular authorities be brought into this immediately. The point is that this is not for them to handle. Their area of operation should be limited to recommending professional counseling to the family. The congregation elders have no business getting involved in this because they are neither equipped nor trained to do so. As for notification to the congregation the elders have no business doing this either. Their knowledge of the allegations should prompt them to keep a close eye on this person. Let the parents decide who they should inform about this matter and to the extent that they want to. Certainly no one who is convicted of child molestation should ever again be allowed to serve as an elder or MS in the congregation…anywhere.

    -Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it-

  • Tina

    Hi Blondie,
    Thanks for clarifying that! I misunderstood your stance,Apologies.Appreciate the info.regards,Tina

  • Tina

    Appropriate handle. I RESPECTFULLY disagreed with your opinions. I ran out of posts,a friend kindly helped me out.I kept it simple for that reason.
    You responded with a rude shitty insulting attitude. I'm not going to interact with that. have a nice day...oh Clueless? I think not-try looking in a mirror lately. And Dont you DARE tell me where I should post-Your another fine example of a JW who leaves the WTS but the WTS doesnt leave him.Tina

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