Stupid Analogies/Illustrations/examples you hear dubs say over and over

by doodle-v 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing1914

    Here is a classic:

    When you place a frog in a hot pan of water, it will jump out right away. But, if you place it in a cool pan of water, and gradually turn up the heat, you can eventually cook the frog, but he will never notice.

    The moral of the story: If we are deep in the truth, attending all meetings, study mags, etc. and we are suddenly exposed to immoral things of the world, we will quickly resist and jump away from the spiritual danger like the first frog. But, if we miss meetings, fail to read the Watchtower, and associate with the brothers, we will g-r-a-d-u-a-l-l-y begin to toy around with the world, and eventually get cooked but Satan, yet never notice what happened to us!

    Hell fire baby! You have been cooked by JWD HELLFIRE!!!

  • Honesty

    A well known CO (J.Cantwell) told us of meeting a pastor in Field Service who told him the JW's have the truth but he couldn't preach the truth or he'd starve to death. What a crock of crap. Every pastor knows the JW's are being mislead by Satan.

  • frankiespeakin
  • Freedom Fighter
    Freedom Fighter

    One I remember re: - the existence of God....

    Now, you can't see electricity either, but you can see its effects.....



  • drwtsn32
    you can't see electricity

    Uh, I can see it. Sparks, lightning, etc. I think "wind" would have been a better analogy but even that is pretty bad.

  • undercover

    The five fingers holding the Bible. Everytime you drop a finger it gets harder to hold the Bible. Once you drop too many the Bible slips out of your grasp...the same with the Truth and meetings...every meeting you miss means you lose a grasp of the truth.

  • Freedom Fighter
    Freedom Fighter
    Uh, I can see it. Sparks, lightning, etc.



  • Evesapple
    Suppose you had a computer but one of its electronic files was corrupted by an error (or virus) that someone had planted in an otherwise perfect program. That illustrates the effect of what Adam did when he deliberately disobeyed God, or sinned. Let us continue the illustration. Whatever copies you might make of the corrupted electronic file would be affected. However, all need not be lost. With a special program, you could detect and purge the corrupting error from your files and computer. Comparably, mankind has received a "virus," sin, from Adam and Eve, and we need outside help to wipe it out.

    this analogy must have been used after I left in 95, not many people had a computer to relate...I still remember the one about the baking a loaf of bread in a dented pan and all the bread you bake in it after that will always have a dent in it...illustrating inherited sin...the above I guess is a more modernized version.

  • loosie

    What is all this computer talk!?!?!?! I thought the computer was the tool of the Devil!!!!

  • drwtsn32
    I thought the computer was the tool of the Devil!!!!

    You're thinking of the Internet!

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