Stupid Analogies/Illustrations/examples you hear dubs say over and over

by doodle-v 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • ljwtiamb

    i don't know if this one qualifies, but:

    "This was the BEST assembly we have had yet! (Applause!!!)"

  • ljwtiamb

    Oh Yeah! Here's one:

    "Why would anyone want to polish the brass on the Titanic?"

    Or who can possibly forget:

    "Religion is a snare and a racket!"

  • Sirona

    "Studying the "worship" book is the equivalent of doing an A-Level at school"

    I would love to tell that elder what I think of his stupid idea of education!


  • doodle-v
    "This was the BEST assembly we have had yet! (Applause!!!)"


    That and the "Spritual food, Spritual Paradise, Spiritual Banquet" illustrations

  • LongHairGal

    I remember hearing all of these stupid sayings. The thing that bothers me is that the people are so gullible they act as if these sayings are gospel truths. They are just clever sayings.

    But what really got me was when people referred to pictures in the publications as if they were actual photographs taken in the first century - instead of the modern artwork they really are.

  • doodle-v
    "Studying the "worship" book is the equivalent of doing an A-Level at school"

    oh yeah! or

    "Reading the Awake magazine is like getting a college education!"


  • M.J.

    Not a saying, but a concept from yesterday's WT study: A child that does not obey and neglects to look both ways can get killed by a speeding car...and that goes for [insert violation here] too.

  • blondie
    The dent in the bread pan one. You know where Adam and Eve are the dented bread pan and now we all are dented.

    That reminds of the one that Adam and Eve are like fans that were unplugged by only gradually did the fan blades stop turning.

  • The Thinker
    The Thinker

    At least on 2 circuit assemlbies, I remember the speaker was giving an Illustration to keep us from thinking too much of ourselves because some feel that the Org can't do without them, he said "Put your hand into a bucket of water and then life your hand out, the space thats left is how much you'll be missed" I thought it was an effective way of showing that the org will carry on without us and so we should never think too much of ourselves, afterall that was the reason for it, to keep us humble, but I also asked myself that if something happenend to me, my wife or my children won't be using that illustration to show themselves how little they'll miss me, so when my wife isn't well or my children are tired I just remember that illustration and stay home with them. I have being repeating that illustration when I can see some go too far not to miss meetings, they go to meetings even if their wives or children are ill or in need of their presense. regards

  • doodle-v
    That reminds of the one that Adam and Eve are like fans that were unplugged by only gradually did the fan blades stop turning.

    If I remember correctly, I think that illustration was also in the Live Forever book.


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