America Bashing

by TR 130 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc


    Couple a questions.

    Why do you start using derisive language when others ask you questions?

    What else don't you believe that the JWs do, besides the one about Satan being caste down in 1914?

    Are you a JW in good standing?

  • GinnyTosken

    I agree with much of what PathofThorns said in his post.

    When I read "America bashing" posts, I see it as criticism of the attitudes and thinking (or lack thereof) of many of the citizens, not of the nation itself, its heritage, or its principles.

    I happen to have been born in the U.S.A. There are things I like about living here; there are things I dislike. C'est la vie. I must say, the citizens are often very entertaining.

    If you enjoy reading criticism of American attitudes, class consciousness, and heavy reliance on euphemism, I highly recommend Paul Fussell's BAD: The Dumbing of America and Class.


  • Yadirf


    Why do you start using derisive language when others ask you questions?

    Do you have reference to me dubbing you "larcboy"? Haven't you noticed that it's commonplace on this board to speak derisively of others. Now you wouldn't want me to feel out of place by being the perfect gentleman in an environment such as one finds at, would you? Do you hear me asking others that practice the same thing the question that you have just asked me? Where do you think I learned that trait from anyway? Yes, it was at H20 and this forum. Great fun! You ought to just fall in and enjoy the entire experience yourself. Why not ask Dirty Lip TR why he engages in the language that he does? Do I detect a bit of prejudice here? How about all the various forms of references to Mr. Rutherford? Do you find that as nauseating as the thing you hear me say?

    What else don't you believe that the JWs do, besides the one about Satan being caste down in 1914?

    Several things as a matter of fact. I haven't the time right now to go into it all. Remind me later, would you. I will mention, however, as I have on many occasions in the past, that I have thrown the entire 1914 thing out the window ... and of course everything that swings around that date went with it. So, use your imagination a little.

    Are you a JW in good standing?

    Other than attend a few assemblies and Conventions I have been inactive, insofar as association, since around the year 1975. However, I do not consider myself to be disassociated. My association has only been temporarily interrupted until certain refinements come about regarding some of the Society's doctrines.

    I am not shunned, and never have been. As a matter of fact only last evening I enjoyed a short chat with a JW sister who caught me cleaning up the street out in front of my house. I am very much missed, she reminded me. I reminded her that she, the others, and the WTS are frequently in my prayers and that she will definitely see the day arrive when I will be right back there in their midst at the Kingdom Hall ... "when conditions are right", I said.

    Hope that answers your question, to a degree at least.


  • larc


    That does clear things up for me. It is perfectly understandable that you threw out the 1914 stuff. Now, being out since 1975 seems to be a pretty long "temporary" period of time. I am glad that you are still accepted, and I sincerely hope that the WT makes the necessary reforms that will make it more compatible with your thinking.

  • Seeker

    Americans are neither better nor worse than anyone else; we're all just humans. All the rest is window dressing.

  • Yadirf


    See, I can be a gentleman.

    That does clear things up for me. It is perfectly understandable that you threw out the 1914 stuff. Now, being out since 1975 seems to be a pretty long "temporary" period of time. I am glad that you are still accepted, and I sincerely hope that the WT makes the necessary reforms that will make it more compatible with your thinking.

    Yes, I agree, the more than two decades that have passed has been a lengthy time, and I'm not sure how much longer it will be. Perhaps I will live long enough, perhaps not ... I just turned 62, and that means I likely don't have that same amount of time left to see it all realized in my life's time IF that much more time proves to be necessary. However, there is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that there will be many adjustments forthcoming. Those adjustments will come as the result of FAITHFUL JW's themselves having stumbled over erroneous concepts adhered to by the WTS. I'm not bragging when I say that I understand Daniel 11:35 in its correct sense, and that I know how to understand the prophetic 2nd, 7th, 11th, and 12th chapters of Daniel. I don't know your age, but I can confidently say that unless you're getting along in years too that you have some surprises that await you.

    Thanks for your well wishes.


  • Gray Wolf
    Gray Wolf

    There is a good deal that is good and beautiful about the United States. There is much that is sick and nasty. That is true with all countries. What bothered me about the original post about "America bashing" is that its author started waving the flag and making remarks that are offensive to others. There are a number of other countries in which there is more social equality, in which the living standards of ordinary people are better, and in which there is more respect for the lame, the halt and the blind. And for an American to make the remarks that Jed, or whatever his name is, did without knowing about these other countries is both naive and somewhat insulting. Yes, America is in many ways the greatest (most powerful) nation the world has see. However, like every other nation, there is a lot that needs improving about it.

    Gray Wolf

  • nicolaou

    Have to agree with the PathofThorns/Englishman line on this.

    I've never been to America but always notice that any Americans I meet are almost itching to tell me how great the USA is.

    Why do they feel the need to do that? As much as I love living in the UK I wouldn't go around telling people how proud I am to be a Brit', or how Great Britain is the greatest country on Earth.

    Anyway, haven't we been here already?



  • larc


    Thank you for your thoughtful response.

    I was raised a Witness and left in the early '60's. I was hoping that there would be sigificant change and more mercy after the 1975 fiasco, but it was not to be. I am 60, and disappointed at the slow rate of change.

    Unless, I live to be 120, I believe I have siginificantly passed middle age.-:)

  • bigboi

    Hey Larc:

    You said:

    The Democrats have an easier idea to sell. We will help you. The Republican ideas is harder to sell but is a better idea. We will set up a system that will make it easier for you to help yourself.

    I don't think that is a correct way of putting it. Democrats want to help me, what's wrong with that? Republicans want to set up a system that will make it easier for me to help myself? How do they do that exactly, by cutting out affirmative action programs? Going after programs designed to protect the environment? Giving cops the right to take you to jail for minor traffic violations? Yep, they sure are settin things up quite nicely for themselves, huh?



    "it ain't what ya do. it's how you do it" quote from the song "True Honeybunz" by Bahamadia

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