America Bashing

by TR 130 Replies latest jw friends

  • reagan_oconnor
    What if your ancestors had been not been the type of person you'd like to have around? What if your grand-grandpa was a murderer, rapist or whatever? You know, the concept of "inherited pride" reminds me very much of the concept of original sin.

    You're right; but that isn't the case. Despite their shortcomings as imperfect humans, they did their best; they fought for their freedoms, and I respect that and fight for mine as well. I'm not sure I understand the reference to orginal sin, though.

    there actually is a civilised world outside of the USA. I've noticed that some American people have rather strange ideas about the rest of the world.

    Yes, that of which I am fully aware. I appreciate the freedoms provided me by this country, and have no desire to live anywhere else. My ideas about "the world" aren't strange; it's something I haven't experienced, I'm not a "well-traveled" person. I don't think my lack of continent-hopping makes me any less intelligent and able to formulate opinions about truth, justice and the American way.

    Er, I don't understand why you bring up this specific example, but OTOH I agree with your observations :-)

    I guess I'm just trying to point out that I have no real frame of reference for the ongoing crises between the Jews and the Palestinians. I don't comprehend their religious fervor anymore than some non-Americans can comprehend my patriotism. Sorry if I didn't make that clear...

    To Bigboi:

    Most of the ppl in this country on welfare are children, that's right children

    I agree with you; if you will note, in my post I capitalized the word ABUSEin that statement. I agree that in some situations, welfare is absolutely necessary for the survival of America's children; I am referring to cases where it is ABUSED -- i.e., fraud, which is so prevalent in my area it is appalling.

    They don't know what it's like to be poor and disenfrachised in this country, so they can't relate to issues that affect ppl

    This is such an excellent point. It's why I am very particular about what candidates I vote for, and why I research the issues so carefully. I grew up with absolutely NOTHING handed to me. I'm 26 years old and I've been paying taxes since I was 13; I'm already vested in the Social Security system. My parents were this close to being on welfare themselves. I've worked my ass off for everything I have. I have minimal debt, pay my bills off every month and try to live my life as a good person. Can I say the same thing for the majority of my state's political representatives? Nope. And that sucks, because they can't truly be in my shoes.

    Spartacus wrote:

    Also, the conservative do a great job making the religious right wing happy while ignoring the concerns of everybody else. This is going to bite them in the ass. Bush will serve one term because he is allowing himself to be pigeon holed as a religious right-winger.

    How ironic that you mention this; I just heard a piece on NPR the other day about how Bush is suddenly realizing the potential voting population in the Roman Catholics. An interesting reference is that, in the past, many RCs have voted Democrat, but more are leaning toward the right these days. Proves that the polls are what count to these men, no matter how noble they try to make themselves look.

    <edited to respond to Spartacus>
    I am the master of my fate/I am the captain of my soul.

  • Englishman

    Fanatical"??? Is taking the Bible at face value "fanatical" in your opinion? Who can deny the obivious when it comes to the Wild Beast having the same number of heads and horns as the Dragon itself does. Do you think that it takes a fanatic to see the connection? Who can deny the fact that a "diadem" depicts rulership, particularly when the Scriptures themselves show such

    Have you been reading too much Harry Potter, Mister F?


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • reagan_oconnor

    OK, so me, TR and Spartacus are all on one side of the table...

    ...glad I'm in such nice company!


    I am the master of my fate/I am the captain of my soul.

  • Norm

    Hi folks,

    Just wanted to say I am not proud of being a Norwegian, I am not proud of being white, I am not even proud of being a human being.
    I had absolutely no influence over any of this, no choice.

    What the hell is there to be proud of in sheer coincidence?



  • Englishman


    Well I'm proud of you even if you do smell strange.


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • LDH

    The beauty of America, is that if you don't like the law, you can vote to have it changed.

    Live in a 'dry' county? Get a ballot measure put on for a referendum and start collecting names.

    I know these old timey religious farts are almost dead, though, so just hang on.

  • Yadirf


    Let us assume that everything you believe is true (which I don't of course), and we are living in this Satan controlled demon infested world. Even so, we have the highest standard of living in the history of the world. We also have have longest life span in human history.

    You "don't of course"? You can't prove me wrong ... at least if you stick to the Bible.

    "The longest life span"? Don't tell me that you're one of those that think that science will find the fountain of youth.

    If you want to see bad times, you should read about the 14th century. Those people really went through a great tribulation. They must have done it all on their own too, because Satan and the demons hadn't been hurled done to the earth yet.

    I've got some important news for you, Larcboy ... Satan hasn't been cast down yet.


  • bigboi

    Hey Reagan:

    Just for the record, I know you were talkin about those who abuse welfare, I got that point. I just used it as an example because you mentioned it and was just givin some additional info. I know you weren't criticizing all ppl on welfare just those who abuse it. Emphasis noted.


    I liked your post. I wouldn't mind becoming a Republican myself, but like you said their social policies suck. If that party wants to remain a viable choice in the next 20-50 yrs they have to reform their social agenda. Politics pervade every part of American culture now. There is no longer any difference between social and economic policy in this country imo. The next great politically struggle in this country will be one of class. It is those struggles throughout history that have truly changed a country's course. If reasonable ways are not found to deal with and uplift the poor and restore vitality both educationaly and economically in our urban centers then this country will pay dearly.



    "it ain't what ya do. it's how you do it" quote from the song "True Honeybunz" by Bahamadia

  • Yadirf


    Have you been reading too much Harry Potter, Mister F?

    Interestingly, I was at a theater on Monday of this week and noticed that a Harry Potter movie was gonna be out come November. Looked like it might be great fun to go see, as judged by what was shown in the coming attractions. Since I don't know hardly anything about the fad that revolves around this "Harry Potter" stuff, I will at least perhaps become enlightened with regard to the books that my granddaughter has been reading. I may be in for a shock. I don't know, we'll see.

    still all young except for his feet.

  • Pathofthorns

    Much of the cause of upset amongst non-americans is what often appears to be feelings of superiority on the part of Americans. To be happy to be living in a certain part of the world is different than statements to the effect that it is the greatest.

    With so much talk of being free, you'd think America is the only country that is free, or that enables it's citizen's to vote or to make money with businesses of their own or to criticize the government. This simply is nowhere near to being the case.

    As for all of this talk of America defending the world, America guards its own interests, and possibly does this at the expense of global interests. Many of it's conflicts probably could be solved peacefully if their politicians weren't so arrogant or intent on "flexing their muscles" or imposing their views on the world scene.

    I'm sure there is some advantage to living in America. But to me, and some others who visit expecting some sort of "greatness" from the world power, it remains disappointing and strangely "backwards" in many parts of it.

    There remains an enormous amount of crime, the predjudice and segregation of different races, the "military feel" to the country, the religious fanatics, the death penalty in some states, the continued existance of "dry counties" where you can't buy alcohol, the excess and waste, a general lack of politeness, class and manners (to name a few things).

    Even though Canada has been rated by the UN as the best country to be living in the world several years in a row (this year it was Norway :) you will not find patriotism anywhere near the degree one sees it displayed in the USA.

    As has been already stated, being born at a specific geographic location is nothing to be "proud" of because it is no accomplishment at all. Setting oneself up as better than the rest of the world runs contrary to the progress of mankind toward a united brotherhood in equality. And this is what I believe is pissing off the rest of the world.

    Path (Trying so hard to shed the anti-american in him because there alot of nice people there )

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