I finally told them to back off

by redhotchilipepper 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • candidlynuts

    they never got the message but she showed up at your door.. bullshit.. they should be df'd for LYING!

    I woulda replied before now red if i'd been online.. ( a vampire novel kept me away)

    listen to some of the smart peoples advice here. the registered letter thing sounds appropriate at this point. you shouldnt be having to fight them at this point in your life.. you need space and you have more pressing needs to tend to. screw them for not being understanding or even having MANNERS..

    come on over to my house.. no witnesses know where i live and i have a blender! MAAAAAAAHGARITAAAAAAA'S

  • Sassy

    this is why I did move.. it was too stressful and my hair was falling out..

    My heart goes out to you.. we should have to put up with this crap

  • MonkeyPrincess

    This is getting insane, you must have put in lots of hours in the past to get this sort of attention. LOL!!!

    This doesnt surprise me in the least, something similar happend to my sister. She was starting the fade, and one day some jw's
    came to her door and kept knocking and knocking, then pounding on the door. Then my sister realized the door was unlocked, so
    as she bolted for the door to lean up against it, they started to come in. They kept pushing on the door trying to force it open and
    my sister kept pushing on the door trying to keep it closed. It was seriously like some deranged cartoon. They ended up giving up
    and left, but she could not beleive that they did that. So, if they would go this far, i can just imagine the extremes they would go
    through to get to trap you into a converstation. Your doing the right thing by making your calls and getting them to stop, otherwise
    it will never end. Take care sweetie, I will call you soon, ok!


  • Mastodon

    OMG!!! I faded away, it was a nightmare, good thing I got the opportunity to move faaar away. but I still have my mom to deal with. She's hardly even talking to me anymore, which is kinda a sad. SO I'm still deciding if I'm going to send in my resignation letter, after all the effort put in it. It's about 17 pages long, it would be a shame to let it go to waste...

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