The contempt of Anthony Morris: the face doesn't lie.

by freemindfade 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • freemindfade

    I have noticed something even long before even looking into TTATT, something about Morris bothered me. I am personally very attuned to body language, facial expressions and general subtleties in human interaction. There was something about his face that really bothered me, and I will explain it. 

    Liars and the like physically can't control leaked signs of whats going on behind the face and body. This is part of what makes poker so cool. Your body will give a "tell". Well this is AMIII's. Contempt. It's the dangerous and impersonal side of anger. Below is the tell of contempt, one is AMIII, the other Dick Chenney. I always noticed some similarity between the two that made me uncomfortable. Its in the lip.

    This expression is one of Moral Superiority, and you will never be able to watch another AMIII video without seeing it blaring back at you now. It's marked by one lip corner pulled up and in. It's the only asymmetrical expression. I believe its dangerous to have this lurking in the background of the mind, it can conceal deceptions, murder, or just a general wide spread contempt. Anyone in a place of power over a high control group, this is a frightening trait. Maybe now his rants on fashion, education, and so much more make more sense. He looks down on everyone, moral superiority, its the thing that will allow someone to take away from you or harm you and feel ok about it.  

    Where is Mr Cedars? perhaps he could do a whole You Tube episode on this 

  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake

    Omg I was wondering if anyone else saw this!!!

    thank you! I've seen this for years, he hates these people for taking his picture at the very least. 

  • freemindfade
    @jonathan drake, you'll see it more and more now, especially when he is on a soap box of disdain for anything non-cult related, the lip will curl in contempt for us moral reprobates 
  • sir82

    Absolutely agree. I'm not so aware of the visual clues, but I can definitely hear it in the tone, tenor, and content of his words.

    TMIII seems to be the successor, at least in his utter, complete, and callous disregard for other humans, to Ted Jaracz.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    Maybe he's related to this guy:


  • KillerJones

    I completely agree. He shows his arrogance and feeling of superiority with this lip movement. He is incapable of preventing this. 

    He does the same thing when he speaks of tight pants to an audience. 

    After inferring that the fashion industry is run by no one but homosexuals, he poses a leader question of "Don't you know they love it when you wear tight pants?"

    The audience will instinctively laugh or chuckle and then he retorts with an air of dominance with "You might think its funny...I think it's disgusting!" It is there you notice this lip sneer. Perhaps Tony has some skeletons in his closet on this subject? 

    Anyone else feel he looks down on the 'common man' when he does this? Sad the control they have. 😔

  • freemindfade
    I'm sure if it was up to him he would enact the mosaic law with stonings and what have you. There is a lot of pent up contempt there, and as much as we think he lets it all out, I think he is actually holding back. Or the other are holding him back. I don't think we have experience the real TM3. Even his current rants are probably watered down in his opinion. 
  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    freemindfade, do you mute the sound when listening to Anthony Morris or anyone else? I've heard that if you watch a person talk with the sound off you can better catch their expressions. It seems that when we're listening to a voice our brain is focused on the words which partially distracts us from the body language of the person.
  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Anyone else feel he looks down on the 'common man' when he does this? Sad the control they have.

    This is probably because he has never had to live like a low life, R&F commoner dub that has to work for a living. I have zero respect for these holier than thou types. Just makes me want to walk up to them and kick them square in the knackers.

  • freemindfade

    @Village Idiot I have never done that myself, I think his voice tones enhance with his body language. I have a hard time watching him at all because if I had no idea who he was and met him out in public and shook his had, just by looking at him I would not trust him for a second. It's a weird thing I have always have, it's a deep intuition into people and its not something that is magical or that i choose to do, just some people I think have a subconscious sensitivity to small details and patterns in people. My wife is always astounded because she is the opposite, she can meet the most bat$hit crazy person and say aren't they nice, and I'll be like well... Somehow it always works out, I don't judge people this way, but just make a mental note, then watch how they play out. Some people are harder to read, but some like TM3 speaks volumes. I know that people like myself who are this way are avoided like the plague by manipulators, scammers, and high control folks. Somehow those bastards know as well who can see whats really going on, its fascinating. 

    I think with the sounds off a person would think to themselves why does this guy look so disgusted... permanently lol. guess mom was right, if you keep making that face it will get stuck like that!

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