What are you doing with your Sundays?

by Steve Egner 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillbilly

    It's a whole "extra" day to work on what I smell like, ride my motorcycle, or spend money on all the farm equipment I can break on the "extra" day away from my town job. Some Sundays I even relax, taking advantage of a little slack time on the ground while my well-trained horse wonders why I am napping after exiting his back so fast. Why, on some Sundays I even sleep in to 6, or maybe even 6:30 AM

    I have even met a few of our local medical pro's around town on Sunday while they repair damage from my new, expanded Sunday activities.

    Just think only a few short years ago I would break up my Sunday at 3 pm for 2 hours of open-eyed napping. The bonus is Saturday night is no longer spent reading and underlining a paper product that I would not remember by Monday anyway.

    ----------Hill (the worst day fixing a prolapsed cow's uterus is always better than the best day at the KH class)

  • notperfectyet

    Wrong thread to post on.

    Sorry, since I am in Real Estate all my Sundays are spent working.

  • Steve Egner
    Steve Egner

    Xena I'll keep you posted. Megadude sent me an underwater photo of him flying along in the Cozumel current, and my psyche is already there. Sorry, I just got back from that Kandalinian thread...

    Hillbilly You really sound like you love that farm livin', Hillbilly. You know, those early hours frighten some of us. I always say, "It's not when you get up, it's what you do after you get up that counts." But I generally have no difficulty rising, and I'm wide awake bright and early for fishing, diving, or biking. Pleased to meet you.

    Notperfectyet Working Sundays? For you, I'd say, think of the question more figuratively. For instance, how are you investing the time you formerly spent in J-ho's pursuits? If it's all real estate, that's O.K. too, that is what I love about having this kind of freedom. It was great to meet you, and your ex's twice-removed cousin's sister, in Dallas. Oh, and I'm listening now...

  • notperfectyet


    I love working weekends, when I was a active witness the time of the meetings gave me panic attacks, especially the weekends..

    Now I don't have them but work almost every weekend. We have a starbucks two doors down from my office, I like to call it my orvice....and the witnesses come in every weekend to encourage me..LOL

    I am glad you HEARD me in Dallas........LOL

  • Valis

    Hiya Steve! This is an awesome first post! Thanks much for the PM too. Glad to have you posting and joining in. It was entirely my pleasure to hang out and talk with you as much as I got to during our weekend of debauchery...Oh and what do I do on my Sundays? I usually get up and have my iced coffee..then i read the fishing section of the newspaper, then I usually like to hop on the bike and go to the biker bar close to the house...and then later at night me and the CSG always have soup and sandwiches while we watch British comedies on our PBS station. Although now that it is warming up I would imagine we will be doing some catfishing late at night at outfriend's property...This means sleeping late on Sunday or just staying awake till the sun comes up and the fish quit biting..


    District Overbeer

  • codeblue

    Welcome Steve!!!

    Enjoyed your pictures too!


  • Steve Egner
    Steve Egner

    Codeblue And here we are to another Sunday already. I'm sipping some strong, hot coffee, tapping keys. My daughter, Zoe, is 6 years old today. She got up before 6:30 this morning, looking for someone to tell, I'm sure. She's a proud girl. I personally believe that anything goes on Sundays, as long as it doesn't involve the J-ho's. Might I suggest the purchase of a loyal pit bull before the next CO visit?


  • codeblue

    Steve: Morning!!!

    NOdenial and I just watched a movie, sipping our cups of coffee!!! That is a typical morning for us...then the rest of the day just seems to flow....

    Thanks for the suggestion of a loyal pitt bull...(wish I had one yesterday)....you made me laugh and smile!!!


  • codeblue

    Steve, I forgot: Congrats on your daughter's 6th birthday........she is a sweetie!!!

  • SEAKEN2001

    Hi Cousin!

    What a delight to see your pictures. Makes me homesick! Yes, you do have a beautiful family! Happy Birthday to Zoe from her cousin Sean in New Yawk!

    Well, let's see. What do I do on Sunday? The only thing close to routine is watching CBS Sunday Morning followed by Tim Russert's Meet the Press. After that it's up for grabs. In the winter it's often spent shoveling snow, in the summer it's spent mowing the lawn or trimming trees. Occasionally I go to the movies or the driving range, or shoot some hoops. But this year it's been mostly work. Trying to figure out how to better run our busines and train the staff. Kinda dull, like the old saying "all work and no play..."

    I love the idea of singing in a BBS Quartet or picking up the horn again. But so far they have remained only a dream.

    I have to admit I miss the Sunday routine we had when I was a J-dub. I know it sounds weird (and unpopular) but it was a great time for me. I was far more social then. Each weekend we would invite someone over to stay the night, spend the evening playing cards or singing with the guitar, whatever. Then get up and have breakfast, go to meeting, service, then play basketball, tennis, or go bowling or biking, or some other such thing. Our house was the place to be. All the young "farm" brothers loved it and we had a blast.

    I'd do it now if the dubs weren't so damn critical about my no longer participating in their cult. (he he) Oh, well. That's the way the cookie crumbles.

    I'd love to meet up with some other Ex-JW's occasionally but I'm never quite sure how to answer my wife when she asks what I'm doing. I prefer not to answer since I tend to lean toward telling her the truth and that just makes things uncomfortable. She does not always go to her meetings and I can't be sure I'll have "free" time every Sunday. Jeeze, it sounds like I'm P**sy Whipped! Maybe I am. But I realy have a hard time hurting her feelings just so I can hang out with other apostates. At any rate, I noticed at least a few here are in my area, near WT Farm. If anyone would like to meet up you can get my e-mail address from Mulan and send me an e-mail. I like coffee shops, book stores, parks, museums, golf courses (hint, hint). I live about an hour from Wallkill, an hour from Albany, and two hours from the NYC area.


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