hi from a newbie!

by Princess 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lindy

    The only ones messed up after they leave are the ones who tried to leave without a mess and the congregation gave them one anyway. Plus the getting through the indoctrination the Jws caused.
    Lindy, who after 40 years in, now quietly out, along with my girls, and couldn't be happier.

  • Mulan

    Princess is a doll, and very smart, with a brilliant, talented, gorgeous husband. (just building everyone up, here)

    DB: I haven't seen the Mulan movie!! I picked the name because it was kind of similar to Marilyn, my real name. At the time, I wanted to be anonymous. Now I think I should have picked "Melon". Lots of people call me that, anyway. I also used to say that people who left the organization, ended up with messed up lives. I kept waiting for it to happen to my brother, 25 years ago. He was messed up when he got out, BECAUSE of them. THEY caused the death of his wife (blood issue)!!

  • ozziepost

    G'day Princess and welcome. Guess you really have been here a long time, eh? Just couldn't find a voice. Bit shy, I suppose. Never mind, you know the ropes. It's a happy happening house. So enjoy. Look forward to reading your posts. Guess you've made your mom proud today. Mom's are like that!


    "Truth persuades by teaching, but does not teach by persuading."
    TERTULLIAN, Adversus Valentinianos

  • Mulan

    Hey Princess: Love your sign off line!!! Very appropriate.

  • ozziepost

    You are a proud mom, Mulan!


    "Truth persuades by teaching, but does not teach by persuading."
    TERTULLIAN, Adversus Valentinianos

  • VeniceIT

    Morning Princess!!!!

    SOOO glad to have you here posting with us, I'll need all the help I can get to keep your mom in line!!! HAHAHAHHA ohhh yaaaaa!!! now you can tell us some stories babe!!

    Ohh and the KIDS are TOOOO CUTE and such sweeties!!!


  • Roamingfeline

    Welcome, Princess! Glad to meet you! I walked away in '96, found the info on the internet and never looked back. My kids (three older daughters at that time and one infant daughter) followed me out like ducklings, and we've never been happier.


  • Mulan

    Hi Ozzie........yep.....I'm a proud Mom. I have three sons too!
    I doubt if they will post though.

    One is a 'Christian', God help us. ha ha ha. Very sweet young man though.......getting married next month to the Pastor's daughter......deliver me, PLEASE!!!

    Just remembered: My husband has a sign in his office that says "Jesus, deliver me from your followers". Funny, eh? Okay, all you Christians out there. Don't jump all over me. Think about it and you will understand what it means. We just HATE being proseletyzed. (I know that must be spelled wrong)

  • Princess

    Oh mo-om! (to be read in an embarrassed tone)

    Yes Ozzie I suppose I am shy although a lot less than when I was a witness. I held back from posting because I was unsure if it was right for me! You are all so nice and friendly though, with similar experiences so I wanted to join the fun.

    Thanks again to you all for such nice comments.


    "...and they lived happily ever after."

  • God_knows

    WELCOME, Princess, and God bless you for your actions! Hugs to you and your family!

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