hi from a newbie!

by Princess 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Princess

    Hi everyone, I have been "lurking" for a week or so and thought I'd join the fun. I am a third generation JW who was determined not to make my kids the fourth! My husband and I left almost five years ago and have never looked back and as a result have never been happier.

    Just a quick summary of the past thirteen years...

    I never went to college (never even considered it) and was married two weeks after graduating from high school. My husband was made an alter boy (ministerial servant) a few years later. That was the beginning of the end for us. As he began to research for meeting parts and public talks he began to realize that there were an awful lot of conflicts that he couldn't in good conscience teach to the congregation, so he didn't. Funny how know one noticed. Anyway, to make a long story short, we just walked away after our son was born. Not one person in the congregation called. An entire year later an elder's wife called to invite us to the memorial but we passed on that one. She is the only person from the hall who has ever called. Not one elder visit, nothing. So, we are not df'd or da'd. We celebrate all holidays and birthdays and have a blast doing so. We decorate our house at Christmas and put the biggest tree we can in the front window for all to see. Still nothing from the elders! They know about us, but since we are quite content to let them shun us with out the hassle of the commitee meetings interfering with their favorite tv shows, they pretend not to notice.

    That's it in a nutshell.
    Thanks for reading!
    Princess (Mulan's daughter by the way)

  • JT

    Sis P

    it is goood to hear that you all are doing well- i enjoy reading results like yours when a jw leaves

    in my personal exp if a jw leaves for NON-doctinal reasons - smoking sex ,etc they many times never take a look at wt history so as to fully understand why thier life was so unhapppy inside and they wanted to get out

    they often time end up in destructive behavoir or destructive relationships- but for those who leave for dogma reasons rarely do they end up doing drugs , stealing etc

    my wife and i figured that they were good hearted folks to start with that is why they left-

    but when a person leaves it is so good to see them doing well

    we all know that wt tells rank and file that those who leave become worse than before and they will often times hold up as examples those who may have fallen into destructive behavoir or relationships

    they NEVER mention those of us who leave and are still with our mates and going to college, starting biz, etc

    so welcome and we look forward to hearing from you


  • Cautious

    Welcome Princess from another newbie.

    I'm also glad to hear you are doing well - my hubby and I got DFed, told them we didn't believe anymore, but we are happy in our new life.

    JT - I had to laugh

    they NEVER mention those of us who leave and are still with our mates and going to college, starting biz, etc
    - that would be bad for business and just tooooo honest
  • Mulan

    Welcome sweetie!! Glad you finally posted. I have to add that the Princess, here, is my daughter, as she said, and has two gorgeous red haired children.

    Also, her husband is nine years older, so she didn't marry a teenager, right out of high school. I just had to clarify that.

    I like the name you picked. Hmmm. I wonder why.
    Mummy (Mulan)

  • Latte

    Hello Princess!

    I'm glad to hear that you are so happy in the changes that you've made. My husband and I are fairly new 'out' yet, we have realized that we are MUCH happier having left it all behind. No more doom & gloom, no more feeling that you will never make it (not to mention being told that from the elders/org) No,we too, do not want this for our kiddies........well done Princess!

    Yes, I absolutely agree that many that leave are actually 'good folks to start with'.

    Welcome Princess


  • safe4kids

    Hello Princess and welcome to the board I always love reading your mom's posts and now look forward to reading yours as well.

    Congratulations on you and your hubby getting out and enjoying your lives now. I have 2 children as well, and I have to tell you, we have the biggest blast celebrating the holidays together! I can't believe what we were missing before in the way of happy family times..although, I have to admit...being raised a witness certainly didn't prepare me to know how to decorate the house for holidays!!! LOL...but my kids and I are learning together...and whenever I ask them if they miss going to the KH, they look at me as if I've lost my mind!

    Y'know, I remember as I was leaving the borg several years ago, that I wondered if I would always feel as miserable as I did at the time...and I thought, maybe they're right, maybe I'll never be happy outside of the organization....4 years later, I'm here to tell ya that I've NEVER been happier in my LIFE!!! Never been healthier, either!


    "A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born."
    Antoine de Saint-Exupery

  • Prisca

    hello Princess

    I was a 3rd generation JW and never went to college/university either. I'm glad that both you and your husband left together - mutual support that way!

    Welcome to the board!

  • think41self

    Hi Princess...Welcome to the board!

    Love it when we turn this into family reunion time. My sister posts on this board also...Safe4kids...and my husband does too...FreePeace. Just a little info so you can put things together, especially in chat!

    Your Mom is cool, so I look forward to hearing more from you, too. And we are enjoying the holidays too.

    As Mel Gibson said at the end of "Braveheart", FREEDOM!


  • DB

    Welcome Princess!

    BTW, Mulan was a very funny movie!

    Glad to see you are doing well. Two weeks ago, our Bookstudy conductor said that people who leave the organization always end up with messed up lives. Seems you are proving that statement wrong.

  • Princess

    Thanks for the nice welcome! Looking back I can see how messed up we were BEFORE we left! We have been able to accomplish so much in the last five years and really start to build something for ourselves. It's amazing what you can accomplish when you stop working for the org and start working for your self!

    Thanks think41self for the tip on the family here! Nice to know how everyone is connected.

    "...and they lived happily ever after."

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