Rutherford's Parting Shot

by Farkel 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Maximus

    Bonnie Heath was one of the Judge's secretaries, married to Bill, William Heath. Maiden name was Boyd. Bill also bought Beth-Shan for the Judge.


  • larc

    If you want to learn more about Bonnie Boyd and her husband William Heath, you can find it in the Olan Moyle trial transcripts which have been printed and distributed.

  • Farkel

    In addition to what Maximus said, Bonnie's husband William was a member of the Board of Directors for the WTS. He was basically a "straw man" or shill for several of Rutherford's real estate dealings. He and Bonnie accompanied Rutherford virtually everywhere he went for nearly twenty years. Bonnie was Rutherford's personal secretary and only she took dictation on his books and articles. No on else was allowed to see what he wrote until it was ready to go to press.

    In 1939 a few years before Rutherford's death, the Heaths moved to Beth Shan, just across the canyon from Beth Sarim. It was every bit as big and opulent as Beth Sarim (the Beth Sarim home was 5,100 square feet).

    By serving as Rutherford's personal servants and shills they were handsomely rewarded, since Rutherford not only let them live in luxury but also took them to Europe with him from 4 to 8 weeks each summer.


  • outnfree

    Gee, I didn't expect to get answers tonight (this morning?) !!!

    Thanks for educating me, guys!

    (just another dumb woman )

  • Skimmer

    Is there any chance someone could post copies of the death certificates of Russell, Knorr, and Fred Franz?

  • Fredhall


    It seems that you still worship Rutherford.

  • SixofNine

    Assuming things are really as presented (not always a safe presumption I realize), I just really love hanging out in a place where an ex District Overseer says "As I told you, there is a God and She has one ironic sense of humor."

    And while the manner of anyones death is not really funny, I think this may be the exception to that rule. And if it the cause of death is not funny, the WT avoidance of the cause of death certainly is. Wonder if the could see the jokes coming even back then?

  • Amazing

    Well Farkel, this is a keeper to save to my files. So Joey boy died of rectal cancer. Only Farkel could have dug this one up! Thanks again. You've made my day. [:^)] - Amazing

  • Farkel

    : Assuming things are really as presented (not always a safe presumption I realize), I just really love hanging out in a place where an ex District Overseer says "As I told you, there is a God and She has one ironic sense of humor."

    That ex District Overseer you are quoting is the genuine article. Some day when the time is right, I might post pictures of him with Knorr in the 1950's. Furthermore, a number of us know him, and there are posters here who knew him personally when he was serving in the Circuit and District work.


  • Francois

    Colorectal cancer, huh? I guess what they say is true; alcohol and cigars will get you in the end. Har!

    Religion is a rare and a snacket.


    My $0.02

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