Would You Care If You Got Disfellowshipped At This Point In Time?

by minimus 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gadget

    Too late.......................

    At the time I was devestated, not because of the religion I didn't believe but because I knew how much an upheavel it would cause in my life.

  • Nadsam

    BRING IT ON....oops ..too late.

    Nadsam. Refusing to be tried for the same crime twice !

    [email protected]

  • Mulan

    I would. I have a very dear friend, who is very loyal to me, and she is a JW. It would make a wreck of her life. She has already told me she will never shun me or turn her back on me, but it would miserably complicate her life.

    So I try to stay under the radar, but I am pretty sure I have been found out here, but so far they aren't doing a thing to us. Their CO comes in two weeks, so we'll see what happens that week.

    Privately, I suspect they will leave us alone as long as my mother is alive. If I was df'd it would make their lives too difficult with Mom, and they are already overwhelmed by her needs.

  • ignorance is strength
    ignorance is strength

    If they COULD I wouldn't care, but they can't because I never got baptised

  • HadEnuf

    I guess not. All my family on my side already has shunned me for two years so I guess that would be a moot point.

    But it's kind of fun flying under the radar of those ba****ds!

    Cathy L.

  • galaxy7

    i was publicly disassociated years ago

    i never told anyone it happened in another country

    the people that study with me dont know ,neither does my husband

    I wonder if it would make any difference now?

    this is my one big secret. I could not tell my mother because it would have hurt her to much

  • seeitallclearlynow

    galaxy7, that is a very cool secret!! Thanks for sharing that...it would make a difference.

    You sly vixen you, I just like you more and more all the time!

  • seeitallclearlynow

    I would care very much! I would much rather disassociate myself. I don't care how they view so-called "apostates" - we all know that the rabble tend to associate disfellowshipping with immoral conduct of some kind, and I would not appreciate that label.

  • baysixforme

    Couldn't give a shit either way!

    Past the point of caring, although I must say it has taken me almost four years to arrive at this point.

    Last time I got a visit was almost a year ago when I told them what to do with their poxy mags and message.

    I feel like I have moved on anyway so I don't need them to tell me whether they consider me a part of their crappy organisation or not!

    They hold no ties over me and I am thankfull for that.

    My life has become enriched without them and they certainly did not hold out any hand of support when I/my family needed it.

    I don't give a shit whether they decide to dis ellowship me or whatever. anyway, it would be their loss!

    I am a good, decent, honest, reliable human being. I do not depend upon them to tell me that I am O.K. and doing alright. I have my own concience and I am doing just fine!


  • boa

    not the best time, but we (wiffee and me) are 'getting our things in order' for whatever exit occurs.

    new nonjw friends, informed the nonjw relatives we're not jws

    told the doc today we're not jws thus remove all non-blood stuff we gave before - boy was she pleased!

    I have virtually all my family and friends as jws, so the cost would be high, however, the cost to my conscience in believing, or following or supporting a lie would be higher. I don't have a problem with those who want to fade, or go out with a big bang (liked little toe - awesome!) So I suspect we won't 'stay under the radar forever' but do have some important 'work' to do with a few select relatives and a couple of close friends

    boa - who would prefer to da as an act by me instead of them dfing me and making up some talk to 'warn' the cong.

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