How the Women of the Media Sell Unhappiness and Liberalism to the Women of

by RubyTuesday 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin


    my thoughts were kinda going ..... here she is now expounding this viewpoint, and STILL telling us how to feel ... seems as if she thinks all women are guided by these 'old-fashioned' magazines .... a bit elitist? ... us poor uneducated masses, yada yada ... but as I say, just my take, glad you could see it that way *ie, see my comments, not necessarily agree with them *

    we'll have to compare notes after checking out the book ......

    btw, have you read 'The Beauty Myth' by Naomi Wolf? You'd probably enjoy it ... she examines this issue as well, published (I think) in the late 80's.


  • RubyTuesday

    Phantom...sorry if you thought I was insulting you..not my intention at all. Thought you where insulting my pic (looks) so I thought if you where so hot why didn't you post your pic. I don't see where I kept telling you to post your pic.Just figured if you are going to insult someones looks then you should put your face out there.Truly sorry.


  • Xena

    Wellll it is a "discussion" board....but hey whatever

    Why not just say "no opinions that don't agree with mine are welcome" in your opening post, would probably save everyone a lot of trouble

    Bradley your a dick

  • logansrun


    Was that entire post you just made directed at me? I'm open to all opinions. Hope you don't feel otherwise.

    And, I would like to think I have a dick, not that I am one, which is better than thinking I am a dick and not having one (?).


  • RubyTuesday


    No I haven't read that book(The Beauty Myth) I will check it out.(Think I have heard of it)

    I would love to compare notes with you when I read the book.If anyone else wants to ....feel free to pm me.

  • Xena

    I read the Beauty Myth...good book...something I really needed at one time. Shame how screwed up women have been due to the media and false expectations placed on them.

    No Bradley only the comment with YOUR NAME in it was directed at YOU

  • Love_Truth

    Looks like a book worth reading.

  • Hyghlandyr

    I dont really see a difference in being a dick and having a dick. Personally I dont mind bein a dick. I just dont like bein a peanut head. Good thing I am beautiful to look at. And Ive had a pick but it aint appearin in here for some reason so I dont know the deal. But I have flowing long curly hair, training bra cleavage, b uck teeth, hairy butt, bow legs. All the things that chicks dig in a dude.

  • RubyTuesday

    Xena.. I am working on my delivery.. Not an expert yet on posting etiquettee...but am trying.

  • Xena

    lol no worries Ruby...sorry if I came across a bit testy...I think it's being in the same thread as Bradley...I need to just learn to avoid any thread I see him post to

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