What Is The Most Ridiculous Thing You Have Heard From A Witness?

by minimus 133 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    Someone suggested that the unleavened bread at the memorial should be gluten free in case any of the partakers are gluten intolerant.

  • DesirousOfChange

    "You positively will not die, but rather, live forever in Paradise."

  • sparky1

    "Someone suggested that the unleavened bread at the memorial should be gluten free in case any of the partakers are gluten intolerant."- Pete Zahut

    Actually, that is not a ridiculous thing to say at all. It is a legitimate medical concern. Any person with a score of 20 or higher on an Anti Endomysial Antibody/Tissue Transglutaminase Ab blood test must refrain from consuming gluten in any form. It may be that the Elders could inquire of any known partakers if gluten intolerance/celiac disease/sensitivity were an issue for them.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Brother R. Sole: "Adam and Eve likely didn't defecate. The food in the Garden of Eden was perfect and their digestive systems were also perfect, so why would they produce waste. We might not need to defecate in the New System."

    Thank you, Brother R. Sole.

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