I attended the meeting tonight.....

by silentlambs 76 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Hello DannyBear:

    You say:

    What motive could possibly move you to even want to attend another meeting?...Does your cause now revolve around Silentlambs as the real victim, or the children you want to protect?
    I don't feel that Silentlambs deserves to be judged for attending the meetings. You asked "why he needs to rub their collective noses in it"?

    For just that very reason...to rub their collective noses in the hypocrisy they are showing... the pampering of a molester while totally turning their backs on the victims...the children.

    I don't see Silentlambs as portraying himself as the victim at all. He is "calling their hand" as it were and showing them up, exposing them, for the world to see. It is necessary for all to see how shallow, how low the WTS has sunk, to harbour deviants for the sake of their precious public image.

    As for "burning tire rubber" in the parking lot? Should we deny him one little expression of righteous indignation at the garbage he just had to witness for 2 hours on top of all the other undf'ing crap they have dumped on him?

    He's not crying "POOR ME"....he exposing them for what they are.

    And if rubbing their noses in it can help some onloooker to feel humiliated at how Silentlambs is being treated for trying to protect these innocent children and for trying to vindicate the despicable treatment of the children from the elders and WTS for the loss of their precious childhood, then I say...go for it!!!

    Had Enough

  • Yerusalyim

    Count this as one more letter of support. UnDF COOL, or maybe the UNDFable, kinda like the Untouchables, you are, after all, battling a bunch of organized criminals.

    God Bless STICK it to em until you've had enough, and then exit, stage left even.


    I like peanut butter, can you rollerskate?

  • joelbear

    I cannot think of a matter more serious than child molestation and the covering up of it so that it could happen again.

    Indeed, I think it is too serious a matter to go about playing games such as following attendants around and burning rubber in parking lots.

    This type of behavior certainly takes away credibility from someone who has stated that there interest is in the children. This behavior to me screams that the person instead is seeking a reaction or attention for themself and is very Fred Hallish in nature.

    To then share this type of behavior here on an open forum is adolescent.



  • Tallyman
    if an undf person lays rubber in the parking lot will anyone really hear it??

    Hey SL,

    Gosh! I love those DEEP philosophical questions.

    See, you would be "dead" if they could "kill" you (DF), but since you a 'Hot Potato' at the moment, they have still gots to treat like the dead, nonexistent status of an (un)officially disfellowshipped person.

    So, "if a tree falls in the forest would anyone hear it", compares well with "if a nonexistent person squeals tires in a KH parking lot, could any of the Fanatix hear it"?

    Deeeeeep, man, deep! (I'm going to ponder that one all day)

    Now that 'moved in elder' who actually talked with you and gave you a piece of literature... well, he's in DEEP DOO-DOO.
    Why will he most likely be called before a Judicial Committee?

    For the kult krime of Spiritism.

    He was "Talking With The Dead".


    He's in trouble.

    I like to walk up to one of the old brothers or sisters who used to be part of my loving spiritual family for 20 years... if I run into them on the street... and go get up in their face and ask:
    "Can you see me?"
    "Can you hear me?"
    "Am I invisible"?

    ...and if I get ANY reaction from them, I tell them they need to go 'turn themselves in' to the Elders for dabbling in Spiritism.

    For those few who criticized you in this thread, SL...
    they can 'go blow it out their tailpipe'!

    Yeah, what's going down is a serious subject, but I don't blame you one bit for trying to have a little fun with it...
    and who's to say that you mighta been attending that meeting because you were "remorseful" and trying to "repent" of your "sins" and needed "help" from the Elders?

    I mean, for all the brothers knew... that coulda been the case.

    btw, I was talking last night to a long time friend who has "some" involvement in the upcoming Dateline piece, and he said there are reports of up to a hundred lawyers seen recently at Brooklyn HQ, which is in Full-Tilt-Boogie-Damage-Kontrol, anticipating the fall-out and lawsuits, etc., when this story airs...
    Now, where is the $$$ coming from to pay all those lawyers, the WTSociety has on retainer or using in an advisory capacity...?
    Well of course, It's coming from the "Contributions To The Kingdom Work" !


  • joelbear

    While I enjoy fun as much as the next person, there is too much as risk in this case to allow anyone to be hurt in a person's own desire to "get back" at those who he believes he is wronged by.


  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Hey Tallyman:

    And where are those funds for all the lawyers coming from?

    From the donations of the little children the Awake published (as I read yesterday on someone's thread but can't remember the real names) like little Johnny who saved his allowance and sent $2.00 or little Ashley who sent in her .50 cents and so on and so on.

    Hmmmm.....money from children for lawyers to defend the WTS's right to harbour the very perverts who might just turn around and molest little Johnny or little Ashley. Good work WTS!!!

    Hi Joelbear:

    I usually agree with your take on many issues but I have to say one more thing about Silentlambs actions.

    Yes, child-molestation is nothing to make light of, but to turn around and mimic the stupid actions of the attendant only throws the stupidity of the "follow him wherever he goes" type instructions right back in the face of the elders. Sometimes the "here's what you look like" approach makes a loud enough noise to humiliate the one doing it in the first place...not for the sake of humiliating him and getting even but to show loud and clear the hypocricy of it what they're doing.

    This is just one incident and I don't believe it is typical of the way he is conducting the whole issue. From what I've seen so far, this is being handled in a very serious, conscientious manner.

    Had Enough

  • joelbear

    Hi Had,

    I appreciate your thoughts. I come hear not only to speak my thoughts but also to listen to those of others in order to help me learn and sort out things, so I don't expect people to just agree with everything I say.

    I can understand silents going to the meeting to make them face the ugliness of their actions, especially when he is not even disfellowshipped (although I think the whole idea of DFing is heinous and ridiculous). I can understand him pointing out their fear of him by the raising of his hand. I can see this as making them think about him and the issue that he has raised.

    However, I'll stick with my thoughts on the game playing with the attendant and especially the burning rubber. But, Silent is a grown man, he will have to decide for himself how to behave and live with how those behaviors affect his efforts.



  • reagan_oconnor

    SL, my heart sinks knowing what you went through, imagining if it were me (and knowing which "brother" would stand guard outside the ladies' restroom while I was in there).

    Farkel wrote:

    Ah! Potential Kingdom Hall "bathroom crime" here. One can commit all kinds of crimes alone in a Kingdom Hall bathroom. I'd be leery of you, too! You might try to whiz in a "non-Theocratic" way. Shame on you should you ever try that.
    Believe it or not, we had "bathroom crime" in my hall. It seems that someone was spitting their chewing gum into the urinal in the mens' room. It used to drive one elder crazy; he would walk around before the meeting, checking to see which brother was chewing bright green gum. He never could figure out who it was.

    He got so crazed about it, he actually brought it up in a local needs talk he gave. He was getting pissed off while on the platform, talking about how "disrespectful it is to Jehovah's house" to spit chewing gum in the urinal. I distinctly remember my parents looking at each other and rolling their eyes.

    I wonder if he ever caught the urinal-spitting-chewing-gum-bandit...

    "I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul."

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Hey Joel:

    I guess what it all boils down to is we'll have to wait and see the results of what is being done to expose this horrible situation.

    And I guess the result of his actions in the hall will depend on the onlooker...some may be jolted by his mimics as to how ridiculous the society's instructions are in having an attendant follow him everywhere, even to the bathroom, and some may react smugly and continue turning their back on the reality of what's going on....only time will tell.

    I know that you and I and we all are on one common ground....being grateful at least, that this is coming out in the open and will finally have to be dealt with so that no more will a child go unprotected.

    Had Enough

  • Tina

    All I see here is that sl practiced a communication technique called 'mirroring'. You make someone aware of ludicrous idiotic behavior by mirroring it back at them,,,,some folks have to be SHOWN what they're doing. It worked with the attendant,didnt it.
    I also see it as a tiny protestation against being in a group of people and horribly treated by them. What about sl's feelings going thru this? I'm glad he did that! Seems some want to hold him to an unrealistic and higher standard of behavior, in what was a very human situation. Considering the overt abusive treatment he received,I think he showed admirable restraint and dignity. Just my dos centavos,Tina

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