Are Bethelites Buying and Preparing their own Food?

by TakeOffTheCrown 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • TakeOffTheCrown

    Samuel Herd made the following statement at the 2015 Annual Meeting regarding the reduction of services at Bethel.

    We will be reducing personnel at Bethel. Some Bethel family members will be invited to serve in the field. In addition to their regular work, Bethel family members will be caring for many of the services that were previously provided by fellow Bethelites.

    Does anyone know if the Bethelites will have to prepare their own food? Also, will Bethel provide the food as well as give them access to the kitchen facilities?

    If the Bethelites have to prepare their own food and, in some cases, buy their own food, the Governing Body and their wives should be required to do the same.

    It should be required that their wives (or GB) should prepare their own food, do their own laundry, and clean their own rooms. Bethelites should not be required to provide these services for them. The reduction in services should apply to them as well.

  • fulano
    Why SHOULD that be so?
  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim
    I understand that ''food services'' has been shut down.
  • Listener

    I can understand your curiosity TakeofTheCrown.

    I expect in the future we will hear some funny stories. Like the amount of policing they will need to do. I wonder if they've updated their Bethel manual already.

  • TakeOffTheCrown

    Apparently, this Governing Body will have very nice accommodations built for themselves and their wives at the new complex in Warwick (if the rumor quoted below is true):

    10/26/15 I guess. Anon continues

    2-3 weeks ago Br Losch came to 'bid' on his 'room' which was specifically designed for him. You probably know this but they aren't really rooms, they are like goddamn apartments. With 2 bedrooms, 2 baths (I think?), a balcony, kitchen, an office and lounge area/living with a tv. Each gb member has one specifically designed for him. So, losch was given a lakeside view room. He rejected the room and said he wanted a (bleeped) mountainside view, what a prick.

    There is another thread regarding this subject with some very interesting posts:

  • ttdtt
    I know someone at the farm, they are not making their own food.
  • TakeOffTheCrown
    Thank you for the information ttdtt.
  • sir82

    As I recall, they are on their own regarding preparing their food. Each residence unit in Warwick has its own small kitchen. They will even get to eat breakfast in their own rooms, watching the "morning worship" on the TVs they have in there.

    Not sure how they will monitor compliance to see how many people are actually watching that drivel.

  • TakeOffTheCrown

    As I recall, they are on their own regarding preparing their food. Each residence unit in Warwick has its own small kitchen. They will even get to eat breakfast in their own rooms, watching the "morning worship" on the TVs they have in there.

    Each residence will have its own small kitchen? Very good.

  • ttdtt
    I think most rooms are like little efficiencies. Every room I have been in at the different locations had little kitchen area. Maybe that was just for couples, but putting them in is not an indication of everyone doing their own cooking. I don't think thats logistically possible.

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