Banned and Censored on Princes' web-site ( NPG Music Club )

by mah319 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nilfun

    Is this the "Housequake" forum?

  • Joker10

    Keep in mind many people who don't like Jehovah's Witneses post here, Advice: also get JWs side of the story.

  • ignored_one

    Is access to the messageboards part of what you get for your $25 or can you get access to them without paying?

    I'm sure the terms and conditions didn't mention anything about "no disagreeing with the Watchtower".

    Perhaps take your story to a online music news site?


    Ignored One.

  • happyout


    Welcome to the board, hope you enjoy yourself here.

    As for being banned from Prince's discussion board, if you are not allowed free and unrestricted use of the site, I would demand a full and immediate refund. Seems only fair, unless for some reason you wanted to continue to access the rest of the site.

    I still find it crazy that Prince is a JW. He can't possibly still perform at least half of his songs, they are all about sex. And weren't he and his wife going to get a divorce? Something about not wanting to be tied into a contract (along with his using his symbol instead of his name for a long time).

    Anyway, hope you can get your money back if that's what you want.


  • yxl1

    IMHO, the NPG music club is a waste of money. Where are all the "free" CD's I should have recieved? Like you, I am a big prince fan who also finds some of his current lyrics (Rainbow children, One Nite Alone) very preachy. However, as far as the music goes, there still isnt anyone who can come close to the stuff he's now producing. I doubt you'll get a refund (I'm still waiting for NPG to deliver my copy of Crystal Ball), so just enjoy the stuff that he's currently producing.

    I saw his One Nite Alone gig last year, and even though he doesnt swear or do any of his X-rated tracks, it was still the best gig I had seen that year...hands down.

  • Abaddon


    The fact that they can't take criticism is one more proof that they're a cult.

    In think I might have to use part of that sentence in the discussion about unAmericanism!

  • justhuman

    You should be happy for that and feel very lucky that you are not stoned to death!!!



    At least you haven't comit the GREAT SIN YET and die in Armageddon

    Most of us in this forum we are considered DEAD FROM THE WT!!!

    So man don't mess around with DEAD PEOPLE!!!

  • kilroy2

    some one like prince will not be able to be a dubber for many years. as an artist you have a creative personality, you tend to want to push the envelope. like prinze did himself in his early days. In my opinion the problem comes in that you can never be good enough, and after getting called in to an elders meeting several times to be counciled you will get sick and tired of the cult. you can bet one thing the gov, bod. is watching very carfully to see how best to exploit his fame for themselves.

  • Dogpatch

    But this is still on a Prince fan site!!

    "Are Jehovah's Witness Cult Leaders Psychopaths?"

    pretty good article, no? :-))


  • Dogpatch

    By the way, this is ...

    "the independent and unofficial
    prince fan community site"

    Even still they shut the thread down!

    I wonder if Prince has seen it? Does he read the net? :-))


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