Banned and Censored on Princes' web-site ( NPG Music Club )

by mah319 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mah319

    Hello people, First a little background on myself. I was born and raised a catholic. i have not practiced in that faith for many years. But i still hold those beliefs. I have been looking around here for a while and the subject matter is very interesting to me. I first became interested in Jehovas Witnesses when i had constant contact with them in the early 90s. They were always quick to refute my beliefs and tell me the catholic church was run by satan and many other things. I am not the most knowledgeable person when it comes to the bible and of course i was not as prepared as they were to answer their questions. To be short, my contact with these witnesses ended when i moved to another town and i pretty much forgot about them and lived my life.

    Well to get to my topic fast foward to 2002. Im a big Prince fan, more of his music than anything else. Im a big music lover and i felt he was one of the best musicians. As far as a person , he is one strange guy. Well as most of you know he has become a JW. I wondered wow, how did he get into that ? The music was still good to me but the lyrics were to preachy and hard to get passed. Anyways thats what got me interested in this subject once again. I put JW in a search engine and i found Freeminds and this place. WOW ! i could not believe places like this exsisted. I found the other side of the coin of jehovas witnesses. I try to see things from all sides before i form an opinoin on something.

    Finally to the point, i was banned from Princes' messageboard on his site. One of the other members posted a subject about the watchtower being a cult. The member pasted a article by Randall Watters and left a link. Some other members were upset with the post and a few minutes later it was deleted. I then posted a thread on his post being deleted. And of course my post was also deleted. I played the game for a while. Posting i was deleted everytime it happened. A JW member gets on and post the watchtowers beliefs. I then respond with some critical questions and those were deleted. I logged off, went back later and was informed i was banned from the forum. No explanation. Maybe we went it about the wrong way in making our statements. Before all this happened i noticed other critical statements on other beliefs were not deleted. It seemed very biased and this situation has confirmed it. You cannot be critical of the watchtower over there. Im sure this does not come to a surprise to any of you. What are your thoughts ? I hope i have not intruded on you guys. Good luck to all of you and peace be with you.

    thanks mah319 - 319 is a prince song. no meaning behind the #, just easy to remember when i log on to the messageboard.

  • Satanus

    While i'm not a fan of prince, i liked a couple of his songs. I sympathize w you for what he is doing to you, and no doubt to many other fans and associates. The extreme bias inside the jehovah's witnesses doesn't allow for any open dissent or criticism. I was personally thrown out of that org for those very actions. As a result of my exclusion from the watchtower org, my mother, sisters and brother have completely cut me off, refusing to speak to me. I lost my employment w a jw, and he never paid me the final amount that he owed me. It's sad that prince seems to be taking on a similar mind frame, as well. Also, if he ever questions seriously, he may instantly loose all of his new watchtower 'friends'.


  • waiting

    Catholic, eh? I was raised an Irish Catholic - schools & all. Seduced into having a jw "spiritual family" .....and 30 yrs later, found my freedom.

    Sites like this forum were a tremendous help. Most of us are xjw's - but some of us are still jw's. I'm officially still a jw - I want to keep my family who are still jw's.

    There's a court case in Tennessee currently because a jw woman, Barbara Anderson (who was a researcher for jw headquarters) exposed the child abuser problem within the jehovah's witnesses. She was kicked out (disfellowshipped). When that happens, a person is labeled a "serious sinner worthy of everlasting death" - or labeled as an apostate, which is worse "a fighter against Jehovah and worthy of being killed by Jehovah and everlasting death."

    Barbara & Joe Anderson (who was basically df'd because he was married to her) - are fighting in court slander by the WT.........because they're NOT serious sinners and NOT fighters against God - they just want to help abused children.

    The judge asked the jw attorney if there was any way a jw could openly dissent against the WT and still be a jw. The attorney was mock sad & said "no." And he defended slandering Barb & Joe (and others who presented evidence on Dateline) because the WT was a church & was protected by the constitution.....even when they hurt people.

    So you can see, the jw's you met on Prince's website are like the cult organization that trains room for dissention. Blind obedience to the Watchtower.....because the Watchtower is God's Organization and no person can come to God without going first through His Organization....the Watchtower.

    Remember when that prime position belonged to Jesus Christ? Not among jw' belongs to the Watchtower.



  • shamus

    Well, that'll learn ya to mess with the witlesses!

    Dont call them a cult, otherwise they run and stick they're heads in the sand, and cry WAAAAAAHHHH!! WAAAAAAHHHHH!!! WAAAAAHHHH!

    It sounds like the witlesses have taken over his site... good for them! I hope that they convert millions and millions of weak ones...

    "Come all you weak ones.. come and drink out bullshit for free... come all you weak ones.. drink our drivel for freee...."

  • simplesally

    Mah, join under a different name and ask why it was ok to speak bad about other religions and no action was taken against those posters.

  • mah319

    Thanks for the responses. Shamus that was pretty funny. Actually some of the members on his site are actually considering becoming JW. Its pretty sad. I like Prince , but to convert ? I thought i was a mindless groupie for just buying all his records. But some people take it to the extreme.

    simplesally, I would go back under a different username but i dont want to drop another $25.00. I never intended to go there and use the messageboards. I just wanted access to his new music and some of the other stuff. But that got boring after a while and went to the boards. Its becoming funnier as time goes by.

  • AlanF

    Jehovah's Witnesses are a destructive cult. No one in a cult likes to have it pointed out that they're in a cult. The fact that they can't take criticism is one more proof that they're a cult.


  • mah319

    I failed to mention i still have access to the site. Just not the messageboards. Its hypocritical. They feel Im good enough to take my money but not good enough to have a opposite viewpoint.

  • Nosferatu
    I failed to mention i still have access to the site. Just not the messageboards. Its hypocritical. They feel Im good enough to take my money but not good enough to have a opposite viewpoint.

    You've just described the typical JW. I'm not a huge Prince fan, but it's sad to see that he's turning into a true JW. He's going to lose a lot of fans if what you experienced gets out. Too bad you didn't still have access, you could post some of his more "questionable" lyrics and see if you get booted for that. I'd like to know what his standpoint is on his previous songs.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I created a parody of Prince's "1999" that you can find here:

    You have my permission to post it to Prince's website if you wish. Then duck!

    I've got some other "dubified" prince songs. If you're interested, let me know.

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