Freedom Fest WebCam

by Simon 96 Replies latest forum announcements

  • ballistic

    Give us a wave!!!

  • ballistic

    Dont stand there with your arms crossed - gives us a wave!

  • cruzanheart

    What a wonderful evening!!! We even had fireworks!!! (The real kind, not the argument kind.) I'm so very very glad we came -- I just wish everyone else who's reading this could be here too. But you are in our thoughts and our most irreverant words and we love you all.

    Nina (of the Enough Wine That I'm A Bit Maudlin class)

  • riz

    awww Sixy's freshly shorn head is almost close enough for me to touch!!

    *waves to everybody*

    have a few cocktails for me, will ya?

  • Scully

    Well, I couldn't be there, but it was sure great talking to so many of you on the phone!! The fireworks sounded fantastic!

    Enjoy the rest of your party...

    Love, Scully

  • Matty

    Hey Scully! Having a great time here at the freedomfest! Great to speak to you at last on the phone, hope to meet you in person sometime real soon!

  • Bendrr

    (last post out of my limit of 10 so I'd better make this a good one)

    I talked to Bridget on the phone a little while ago. I relayed everyone's thoughts to her. Also had another phone call with Spice at the 'fest and gave her the correct phone number to get in touch with Bridget (Stinkypantz, that is). Thanks so much for everyone's concern, I've passed that on to Bridget and y'all are just the greatest.

    And yes, Simon and I talked on the phone for quite a while too. He's not such a bad guy actually. After all, he didn't delete the phone call hang up on me.


    p.s. oh and whoever said something about carpetbaggers.....there's yankees and there's damn yankees. I'll leave it to you to figure the difference out.

  • SpiceItUp

    We did manage to get Stinky on the phone. I think we cheered her up a bit.

    well off to bed as its been a little too much fun.

    Cheers and goodnight all

  • WildHorses

    I want to talk to Eman.

  • WildHorses

    I'll pay for the call, so if you pm the number to me, "I WILL" call.

    P.S. I know you all are still sleeping, but when you do get up....

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