Freedom Fest WebCam

by Simon 96 Replies latest forum announcements

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Server is still busy, poop

  • drwtsn32
    drwtsn32's incredibly exciting! The ceiling fan has me captivated! Come on guys, do something cool!

  • Valis

    And why is a baby hanging from the cieling fan? Filthy Apostates sacrificing babies again?!!


    District Overbeer

  • drwtsn32

    LOL Valis!!! I was wondering what that was....

  • Bendrr

    Thanks for the call y'all! I really enjoyed being able to join in at least by telephone. I can finally put a voice now to the words I read on my screen. It was like walking around the room talking to everyone. I'd drop some names but I'd rather leave it up to your imaginations.

    Simon, I really appreciate you taking the time to talk to me a second time privately. (and not hanging up on me )

    Y'all have yourselves a great time and rest assured I'll show up at a future apostafest.


    p.s. BTW, I don't want to hear any damn wisecracks about the way I talk! I fully expect Simon and Mike to stand up for me here. The Southern Accent is way closer to the Queen's English than the way some of them damn yankees talk!

  • Valis

    Bendrr...Carpet Baggers...not yankees...*LOL*


    District Overbeer

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    We were busy sacrificing to the great Holy Ghost.

    We had the attendants do the count, and we've got 55 for tonight's little gathering. Great quanitites of wine and beer have been consumed and apostacy abounds. I even communed with the moon. No howling though.

    We need the guidance of the Beloved District Overbeer though. But we are stumbling along without guidance.

    This is Big Tex reporting live from Panama City Beach. Back to you.

  • drwtsn32

    How are you guys doing the streaming video? What software is running on the PC with the webcam? Just curious....

  • MrMoe

    I keep getting some wierd error??

    Get a pop-up that says server unable something yada yada my request yada yada temporary something or other ???

  • arrowstar

    All I see is a black screen!!!

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