Freedom Fest WebCam

by Simon 96 Replies latest forum announcements

  • Bendrr

    well come on y'all!!!! call already!!!!

    or pm me with your # and i'll call you. won't cost me a cent, I've got free weekends.

  • Bendrr

    Ang, Cingular may be messing with the call. Send me the number and I'll call you. (If Joy doesn't mind)

  • Celia

    This is what I get when I click on the url : What am I doing wrong ?

    International Freedom Fest 2003
    Panama City Beach, Florida

    NOTE: Please be considerate of other users by closing this page when you are finished viewing to give other people chance to view the broadcast. Also, please respect people's privacy by not recording this event.

    Sorry you can't be here with us !
    Special thanks to Steve and Joy for hosting this event.

  • Simon

    You need to have Windows Media Player 9 installed to view the video

    We are recording it as well so may do some 'selected highlights' later on.

  • plmkrzy

    all I can see is a very dark screen

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    The server is too busy for me to see. Oh well, I'll have to get my own life going. It sounds like fun.

  • Valis

    Steve is a camera how....we want boobies!

    It was good talking to you all...thanks much for calling me and remember...don't do anything I wouldn't!


    District Overbeer

  • Valis

    Eh..minimus showed up? Is he asking too many questions and is he taking notes? *LOL*

    BTW, who is drinking the most beer?


    District Overbeer

  • Mulan

    Her Ladyship and I discussed it and decided Angaharad has drank the most beer.

    But..............Mike is looking for his.

  • simplesally

    That's cuz sns and I weren't there. We drank lots of beer last night after the Trick or Treating was over!

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