Do You Think “Protestors “Should Be Able To Shut Down Bridges Highways and Hospital Emergency Areas?

by minimus 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Being anal lol

  • Justaguynamedmorph

    Nope, pointing out something everyone should understand. People standing in front of a vehicle do not prevent it from moving. The driver may choose not to move but the people present no barrier what so ever.

    The distinction is important.

    You may choose to stand and the driver may not care.

    Protestors and drivers both have choices.

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere


    Using arms against an oppressive government does not include targeting random civilians or looting

    I should be able to travel, run over anyone threatening me, or even shoot them if my life is in danger

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    @justaguynamedmorph: These people are often being stopped at gunpoint by BLM. Some people choose the beating and harassment over potentially being shot. Others shoot back, but then their lives may get destroyed anyway as their employers will be forced to fire them or they will be prosecuted for exercising their rights.

    There are plenty of examples of all of the above, Portland has been ran by armed Antifa for years now, that couple in St. Louis, Kyle Rittenhouse in Wisconsin, pretty much anyone in conservative media, public or higher education, government jobs finds out quickly Antifa/BLM terrorists in Democrat states and cities has the government in their pockets.

  • pistolpete

    In LA, two deputies were ambushed and shot in the head and as the ambulance tried to take the fallen deputies to the emergency room, protesters blocked the way chanting they wished the police would DIE!

    Game on.

  • Justaguynamedmorph

    pointing a gun at a moving vehicle is not A smart decision.

  • minimus

    This stuff pushes people away from the sympathizers and puts them in Trump’s corner.Very few people do not want some form of Law and order,

  • LoveUniHateExams

    so--what do this BLM lot want ?

    End of capitalism

    Abolishment of police

    (Yeah, really, lol)

  • minimus

    Look at their manifesto . It’s there , right out there!

  • Simon

    How many social workers would need to be killed before people come back to the conclusion that every other civilized society on the planet has for a century or more - you need a police force to protect and ensure law-and-order.

    You can't send middle-aged-women to "talk nicely" to some lunatic with a machete or gun without bad results.

    But the defund-the-police bit is really a distraction, it's more about them being in power with their insidious socialism and people getting rich by cronyism instead of invention, hard work and endeavour. They'd soon have way more brown-shirted police enforcing their rules than ever existed under a capitalist democracy, but without the accountability or controls that currently exist.

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