Johnny Depp Likens U.S. to 'Dumb Puppy'

by closer2fine 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • blacksheep
    It seems to me that Americans are super-patriotic. No dissent is allowed. Shut up celebrities if you don't agree. If people don't agree with President Bush, they're stupid or worse, anti-American.

    Funny thing about "speaking your mind." It seems it's okay to speak your mind when you are a liberal criticizing the government. But someone who takes issue with your comments/opinion, in essence, disagrees with YOU, is somehow trying to "silence" you. What, is everyone supposed to sit back and "oooh and aahhh" over your comments: silently and passively listen to your voice and opinions as if they represented some clear "truth?"

    Must be nice to be able to use "freedom" of speech both FOR your own personal views and AGAINST any others.

  • avishai
    It seems to me that Americans are super-patriotic. No dissent is allowed. Shut up celebrities if you don't agree. If people don't agree with President Bush, they're stupid or worse, anti-American.

    Gee, nice broad generalization about 300 million people.

  • ballistic
    On the flip side of the coin, While I do happen to think there's lots of problems with out CURRENT Administration... what Country is out there really, that has a perfect government after all? At least living in the States, we do have the freedom (to a point) to speak our mind like Johnny, or to criticize if we so choose... And at least here - we do have some opportunity.. to better ourselves and our finances... so that we CAN move to the south of France later... If we so choose... lol

    Well said.

    And about Reagan; everyone loved him didn't they? Even Brits! God... even Margaret blessed Thatcher who seems a bit the same way to me and they loved each other.

  • teenyuck

    Jesus F. Christ. Go pick on Clinton, Bush, GW....Don't Pick on Ronnie. The Man Did Good.

    You are sinking pretty low when you use a man's disease against him.

  • talesin


    Trying to portray him as a blithering idiot while in office is pretty sad

    My comments were about my shock and feelings. I'm allowed to have them, and you're not addressing my question, you're just being plain nasty.

    newsflash: Reagan's disease is not recent news. I heard this years ago, when CLINTON was newly-elected. So that's not "3 presidents later". They announced it because he was showing symptoms and that means he had the disease for quite some time (do a little research).

    And yes, it was a respectful question - it scared the hell out of me, and I am interested in other people's takes on this. Especially Americans cause it is your country and you would have (one would think) the most informed opinions.

    Oh, and I am not 'picking' on old rotten ronnie, I'm trying to solicit rational comments about something I found quite shocking.

    you are not going to stir me up about this - if you wanna be nasty go ahead cause

    I DON'T GIVE A RAT'S A** about people who can't respond to an honest question rationally and politely.

    I'm done with this thread.

    peace, love and happiness


  • jws
    Right, really respectful. Newsflash, Reagan has only begun very recently (well after he was out of office, let's see, THREE presidents later) begun exhibiting characteristics of Alzheimer's.

    I don't know about that. He certainly couldn't recall much during the Iran-Contra hearings.

    Back in my JW days when Reagan was president, I liked him. But I was one of those right-wing conservatives myself - as promoted by ideals in my religion. You know, not charitable, uncaring for other classes of people, and unable to understand the hardships others go through, elitist, always thinking I had the solution for everyone. Thinking everyone had to follow my world view and if they didn't, they were somehow deficient and deserving any hardships they faced. Right-wing in a nutshell.

    When I saw documentaries about the peace movement, I changed my mind about Reagan. The films showed peaceful student anti-Viet Nam demonstrations at UC-Berkely. In the documentary, they were filming Reagan (then CA govenor) discussing the protests with advisors. He certainly was hot. You could see he wasn't going to stand for peaceful free speech if it was against the right-wing agenda. And he ordered force to stop the protests. The crowd ended up being tear gassed. What an asshole!

    And as for conservative celebrities, I've heard of plenty of celebrities coming out in favor of the president and the Iraq war. The difference in me as a liberal is I don't bash them for it. I don't feel a need to punish them or boycott their work. I don't post what they said on message boards and try to get others to bash them for their pro-administration comments. I don't call their education into question. It certainly says something about a level of maturity of some conservatives that they feel they have to bash or punish these people who don't agree with them or call them un-American

    And I'd much rather have celebrities voicing mere opinions, where it's not as important whether they're fully informed or not or whether they're right or wrong. You can agree or disagree. It doesn't really harm anybody. But when celebrities start running for major offices with no real qualifications, where their opinions and decisions can actually affect millions of lives, it gets pretty scary. Especially when they are celebrities with a knack for being charming and winning votes, but have no real qualifications for the job. Run for a city council member position first or a mayor. If you can't handle it at least you don't do as much damage. If you can, then go for higher positions.

  • little witch
    little witch

    Johnny Depp is now trying to retract his statements, insisting they were "out of context" etc....

    Perhaps he realizes his money is made in the good ol' USA.

    He apparently now realizes, without hollywood fame, He would be married to trailor trash tammy.

    (only humor people, dont go ape)

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith
    He apparently now realizes, without hollywood fame, He would be married to trailor trash tammy.

    He isn't?????

  • little witch
    little witch


    Well honestly.

    The man "sh*t in his playhouse".

    Oh that reminds me, now I am off to FB's thread!

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    I'm sure some might boycott Depp but not to any great extent. It isn't like the Dixie Chicks who have a fan base that is mostly redneck. That was really stupid.

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