The Old Age

by Caupon 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • One_day
    5...I'm just glad I wasn't one the dumb asses or... is it sheeples, to trust my very scientific surgeon.
  • cofty
    All dating techniques are based on assumptions. - Syd

    This is factually incorrect and demonstrates a wilful ignorance of how science works.

    Did you read Wien's paper?

  • cofty

    One-Day it was scientists who discovered that some ulcers are caused by bacteria.

    Surgery was the best treatment available at one time and it saved lives. The progress in medical knowledge in recent years is astonishing.

    You are attacking a straw man. It's discovering what we don't yet know, or disproving what we believe erroneously, that motivates scientists.

  • KateWild

    Carbon dating is a widely recognised technique and trustworthy. This thread is nonsense.

    Kate xx

  • cofty
    Science becomes the new ultimate truth. Questioning it, doubting any part of it is heresy. Science denier!! - Syd

    On the contrary attacking anything that we currently believe to be true - and doing so with evidence - will get you nominated for a Nobel Prize.

  • One_day

    No Cofty, surgery did not save lives at all. I had a good talk to my doctor later. My very scientific doctor said surgery caused considerable grief.

    Surgery for this problem proved to very unscientific, actually positively stupid.

    Anyway, I just mentioned this one thing because I'm familiar the story and they were Australians that discovered he bacteria.

    There are many, many stories of where 'science' has failed even killed those that trusted it.

    But of course we have pure science.

  • cofty
    But of course we have pure science

    Absolutely nobody ever said that.

    Who is this straw man you are attacking?

  • cofty
    No Cofty, surgery did not save lives at all.

    Yes it did. Lots of people died of bleeding stomach ulcers without surgery. It is no longer necessary since SCIENTISTS discovered ulcers could be treated with antibiotics.

    That's how science works.

  • prologos
    LisaRose5 hours ago

    "There is a huge difference between science and religious belief. Science is tested, retested, challenged--

    If religion were the only source of knowledge, we would still believe the sun revolved around the earth."

    The wt religion pretends to operate like bible-based science too, ( like Usher*, Newton*}, calculating from bible data the old age , the beginning and end of the world the advent of the first humans (ha), then making predictions 1914, 1925, 1975 2075? and observing what happens and then-- back to the drawing board.

    Astronomy,, on the other hand is a "hard" science and it could, and did make predictions even from the wrong ptolemaic earth-centred view, using the epi-circles, like a little lazy susan turning on bigger ones; even Copernicus* was stuck with that concept, until Kepler*, Newton showed the elliptical orbits about barycenters.

    These were not stabs in the dark like the religious speculations based on the talking snake books.

    I trust science --to show the way, in my old age too

    **** all religious men, escaping from the constraints of the frozen mindset.

  • One_day
    Yes it did. Lots of people died of bleeding stomach ulcers without surgery.

    Well there you go. My scientific doctor said the operation caused more grief than it was worth. But hey that's science. Its like opinions, just pick your favourite one or your favorite scientist or your favorite scientific interpretation.

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