The Old Age

by Caupon 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • One_day

    Not deriding it, it has valid place in life and is quite fascinating in fact. And we rely on it every day, but it has failed us big time often.

    JWS talk endlessly about new light, but that would pale into insignificance compared with the amount of times science has declared new light. Eg. Once upon a time not that long ago surgeons would cut half your stomach out to cure you of stomach ulcers even 'tho it was established bacteria caused the problem but they couldn't accept that fact for many years...for a number of unscientific reasons.

  • Viviane

    Surgeons cutting out stomachs has nothing to do with science proving it wasn't necessary, nor does equating learning more with making up more.

    Your derision is apparent and misplaced and simply shows how little know of science or how it works. Basically, you're showing that you've an opinion not worth anything.

  • One_day

    Viviane...The best science of the day and accepted around the world was to cut a portion of the stomach out for stomach ulcers...fact. Until new scientific light said otherwise. New light they resisted for many years.

    I'm just saying, science is as unreliable as any other human endeavor because humans are involved.

  • nicolaou
    Syd Netley: It all comes down to this: who do you trust?

    Utter bullplop! Lazy minded individuals keep repeating this like a mantra because it's so much easier than making an effort!

    Get off your backside and visit a natural history museum or a library. Read widely, take down details of some of the excellent books that are constantly being recommended here and borrow them for free!

    Use Google properly, don't censor yourself.

    Learn about the scientific method and why it can be trusted - not WHO can be trusted. Evaluate evidence for yourself, do experiments even.

    Go outside of your comfort zone.

  • Viviane
    Viviane...The best science of the day and accepted around the world was to cut a portion of the stomach out for stomach ulcers...fact. Until new scientific light said otherwise. New light they resisted for many years.

    It's not often someone proves themselves wrong without being asked to. Good job!

    What you just wronte has nothing to do with knowing the case of an ulcer. Fact. Thank you for yet again showing your lack of qualifications and errors in thinking in voicing your opinion.

    Your fallacious derision is noted and dismissed.

  • One_day

    Just as religion whores its self to politics, science whores it self to the commercial world.

    Ah yes but we have true science. I think I have heard something like that before.

  • Viviane
    Perhaps you heard it in your head when you made it up. People often hear voices when they're confused.
  • Syd Netley
    Syd Netley
    I've noticed this among ex-JWs. Science becomes the new ultimate truth. Questioning it, doubting any part of it is heresy. Science denier!!
    It's almost as if the need for an ultimate truth remains. And Science (capitalised for its deity) becomes the new ultimate fountain. Scientists become the new white-coated Guardians of Doctrine who can be completely trusted. Sureā€¦
    Having naively trusted the Governing Body for so many years and now realised that they took you for a ride, are you ex-JWs not the least suspicious that Scientists too might have their own agenda? Including self-promotion and commercial interests?
    Science is not some pure, objective search for truth. More often than not, it's a subjective search for the dollar.
    Don't drink anyone's Koolade.
  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury
    are you ex-JWs not the least suspicious that Scientists too might have their own agenda?

    So you arent an exjw then as you didnt include yourself in that?

    The only ones who come on here to bash science are the wilfully ignorant or the Brahma Kumaris cult.

  • 2+2=5

    Holy shit. The ignorance is astonishing.

    Your example of the stomach ulcer being poor science was really pathetic.... unless you are being satirical with us One_day

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