The Old Age

by Caupon 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • 2+2=5

    Assumptions? It's called science, you should debunk it and collect a Nobel prize

    I think you and Caupon should consider a free home bible study....

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury
    You would think tree rings would be pretty reliable. But even there, trees can grow more than one ring in the same season depending on conditions.

  • Syd Netley
    Syd Netley

    Don't get me wrong. Witnesses make assumptions too. And I'm not recommending that you trust them. I don't.

    Trust is their biggest problem. They trust the organisation instead of God. Idolatry by another name.

    At the same time, you got be careful not to misplace your trust in "science." That would be idolatry too. It's just people's ideas. Some sound, some not so sound.

    I'm personally for old earth. And I'm right about the tree rings then. ;-) It all comes down to assumptions and even presumptions! Science included.

  • Finkelstein

    JWS and other religions make assumption from out of human ignorance or emotive theory

    in comparison Archaeology applies the scientific method drawn from physical evidence.

    Definition of SCIENTIFIC METHOD

    : principles and procedures for the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the recognition and formulation of a problem, the collection of data through observation and experiment, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses
  • LisaRose

    There is a huge difference between science and religious belief. Science is tested, retested, challenged and must be proven. Although new things are discovered every day, it is a refinement of knowledge, not a reversal of previous knowledge. All though mistakes may be made, they are small and soon challenged and discarded through scientific method.

    Most scientific dating methods are confirmed and reconfirmed. Often more than one dating methid is used, the results are remarkedly consistent across different dating methods. To the person not trained in scientific method, it might seem that there is an equal amount of belief required to put your faith in it, but that is not the case

    If religion were the only source of knowledge, we would still believe the sun revolved around the earth.

  • One_day

    My two bobs worth. I once did a brief study of science and scientists. That industry is riddled with all the usual jealousies, hates, accusations, scams and straight up lies that religions are blighted with.

    If religion has disappointed you, science will too. Unfortunately it has promoted itself as honest disciplined searchers of truth.

  • smiddy

    I think the naysayers of science and there conclusions have arrived at their opinions via the higher education available from the Awake and Watchtower magazines.


  • One_day

    I think the naysayers of science understand that it too is populated by humans with same strengths and failings that afflict all mankind.

    Scientists are no more honest or dishonest than the general population.

  • Viviane
    At the same time, you got be careful not to misplace your trust in "science." That would be idolatry too. It's just people's ideas. Some sound, some not so sound.

    So get off the internet, stop driving, taking medicine, using the internet, taking a plane, a train, eating, turning on your lights, drinking water, etc., because all of that comes to you courtesy of the same science you deride.

  • Viviane
    My two bobs worth. I once did a brief study of science and scientists. That industry is riddled with all the usual jealousies, hates, accusations, scams and straight up lies that religions are blighted with.

    Apparently a "bob" is worth zero.

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