WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FYI

by Jesika 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jesika

    Just so you ALL know...............primitivegenious.............IS A LIAR!!!!!!!!!!

    He partied with me and lyineyes....wildturkey.....moreisbetter....pr_capone........searcher and I.

    He is STILL A JW..........and is lurking here.............he is NOT who he says he is.

    He was IMing me and didnt tell me who he was............he is a liar and a snake!!!!!!!!!!!! He acted like someone else.....and KNOWING HE KNEW ME......didn't tell me who he was...........and acted like someone else.......cause he is a JW on the fence and can't admit he is that way!!!!!!!!!!!

    Anyone who knows me.......can tell you I DONT LIE.........I am bruteally honest.............and so I am telling you the honest truth!!!!!!

    SOOOOOOOOOOOOO if anyone comes in contact with the "person".............dont trust him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just thought you all should know!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Simon...........I am sorry.........but I just had to post this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Love you all........and thinking I am doing the right thing.........


  • onacruse

    Simon, et al...I got this over to Admin within a couple of minutes after it showed...and p/m-ed Jesika to not re-post, pending review.



  • Simon

    I think it's ok. If it's true then it would be better that people knew.

    Maybe it could have been put a little differently but I can understand her being angry at this.

  • StinkyPantz


    I am glad that you were able to be open about this.

  • gumby


    Don't make me start callin you Barney Fife!


  • onacruse

    I've been in chat a few times with PG, almost since the day he started posting here. He said he knew WT and LE, and wanted to see how long it would take for them to figure out who he was. I sincerely hope there was no hidden agenda...but I know that sometimes I can just be to damn trusting.


    (LOL @ gumby...remember, I'm a newbie )

    edit to add: Jes, you have a p/m

  • moreisbetter

    Thanks (((((Jes))))) for the heads up. BTW, how are you? Give me a call or, perhaps a number where I can call you.

    Onacruse said:

    I sincerely hope there was no hidden agenda...

    I hope the same.

  • pettygrudger

    Is there any possibility that he just didn't want to be "found out" himself, especially since he IS still "considered" a JW? We've known many on these boards that were fence riders, but they usually have good reasons to want to keep their identities secret.

    Also giving PG (hey those are MY initials!) the benefit of the doubt.

    Hope all works out well.

  • mouthy

    Jes! Maybe he didnt mean to lie. Remember now- they are allowed to lie to those who dont deserve to know the truth ....Lets hope he picked up enough info on here to see the light. ((( dont be angry sweetie -it give you ulcers, I know I got them from being angry.....) Hug

  • Gamaliel

    I understand your anger at the apparent dishonesty. My feelings may not apply in your case, but personally I just assume that everyone on this forum MIGHT be a JW until they give good reasons to believe otherwise. It's not like we have to be cynical or distrusting of everyone, it's just that many of us still ARE JWs in the sense of what mental baggage and scars we carry, even if we DF'd or DA's years ago. Anyone who is on this site, even if they are a current JW is showing that they are moving against the WTS instructions and this is a good thing. We had a couple of non-disfellowshipped "associating" JWs at the last "apostofest" at my house a couple years ago, and I think it was good for them -- the fact that they wanted to be there showed how serious their interest in the "outside" really was. Some still can't officially leave for their own reasons, usually family or loved ones. I suppose there have been a few exceptions, who appear to wish to hurt other current JWs by exposing them, but this cuts both ways, so I think it's rare.

    Nothing wrong with being extra careful, I'd just hate to see these feelings escalate too far if the person just made a stupid mistake but meant no harm.


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