New light?

by dmouse 27 Replies latest social humour

  • Gordy

    Often wonder when a JW, if the "paradise" is the world restored to what it was before Adam sinned.

    How come all these people in the WT pictures wore modern clothes, who made them.

    Also remember seeing a picture in a publication, they had a tractor ploughing a field, was it left over from Armageddon. Where does the fuel come from, isn't that pollution?? Also on the table was a jug with water/juice in, but it had ice-cubes in it, so there will be fridges. Which means a power source etc.

    The WT offers this new world to people only if they become JW's, everlasting life, no war, crime , illness etc. Did we become JW's because of a love for God or because we were being bribed by what was on offer?

    Where we taken in by a form of spiritual materialism.

  • RunningMan

    The society seems to go to such obvious lengths to depict the multicultural aspect of the new order - every picture seems to have a cross section of race and dress. I wonder why they don't just draw the village people?

  • SYN

    "...and this one time at band camp, a rain of fire appeared in the sky, accompanied by squadrons of homocidal budgies with red eyes, and then the next thing I knew I was riding around ass-backwards on a deer!"

    "Listen, Pocahontas, your dress isn't modest. This is a world ruled by Elders, you know. Better shape up soon! Being disfellowshipped in Paradise REALLY sucks, let me tell you that!"

    "I think that woman across the river is waving at you because she hasn't seen someone wearing a headband in six thousand years!"

    "Could you please help me get off this deer? He's getting frisky, and I can never see where he's running..."

    "How do you expect to get into a Kingdom Hall when there's feathers in your hair? Did the vultures miss you or something?"

  • minimus

    Pocahontas is not fully perfect yet. Remember, she just came back to life. As she progresses in perfection she will begin to grow another finger. However, if she resists the leanings of holy spirit in the new system, she may not grow to perfection until the close of the 1000 yer reign of Christ...............btw, are you sure that the little deer has a tail? Or is that something else???

  • Sunnygal41

    You guys are absolutely killing me heah!!! I'm at work and you are making a dull day fun! There are two things I'd like to say, first, I'm not impressed with the quality of the artwork, and two, you have to remember how influential a picture can be.....they are using it to bolster support for themselves, since everything Native American is hot these days, AND because Disney did a Pocohontas movie and they are playing on kids emotions here. Ooooooh, it never ceases to amaze me how crafty these beasts are!!!


    P.S. Nilfun, that is an actual historic picture of the real Pocohontas, huh?

  • Nosferatu

    So, has anybody contacted Disney to inform them of copyright infringement?

  • Sunnygal41
    The WT offers this new world to people only if they become JW's, everlasting life, no war, crime , illness etc. Did we become JW's because of a love for God or because we were being bribed by what was on offer?

    Gordy, I was sucked in with the thought of PARADISE!!! I was a young, innocent, country bumpkin for cryin' out loud. A Special Pioneer sister was working unassigned territory one summer and found my family.......and, my sister and I started studying because our nearest neighbor, an older woman, was studying! We sat in and found it fun to find the answers and have some attention paid to us!


  • ninecharger

    I thought the historical Pocahontas went and lived in Elizabethan England where she died. An extant portrait shows her in english style clothes. Maybe Pokey in the new world will want a winged dress, (no knickers like good queen Bess) peaked hat, ginger wig and white lead ceruse on her face.

    As for the three fingers: Duh! any one knows angels have only three fingers - didn't those dubs teach you anything?

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