Are the statistics out yet?

by slimboyfat 169 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • blondie

    They used to be on their website, Like here:

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    LOL! ...highlight other POSITIVE aspects...

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    I just checked last year's report and note that I downloaded it on 29th December 2021. So maybe tomorrow.


  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Thank you St George...wait that's tomorrow...great!

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    For the US, I predict an increase in publishers and increase in pioneers, decrease in congregations and decrease in number baptized.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    My hope is a decrease in publishers & baptisms in the U.S. They can have as many damn pioneers and auxiliary pioneers as they want to report...pioneers' production & yield levels are soo damn low anyway!

    It was bragged about that our circuit had upwords of 600 pioneers and auxiliary pioneers...yet at the time of the baptism talk there were between 2 to 4 kiddy JWs born-ins being dunked! So what good are high JW pioneer numbers when they can't generate new recruits? :) :)

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised to see an increase in pioneers and hours in the post-pandemic months/years. Also following the Russian invasion of Ukraine and what not,

  • Foolednomore

    They have many Pioneers and hours spent but no outsiders coming into the cult. Which is a good laugh and a big waste of time for them.

  • FedUpJW

    Figures don't lie, but liars figure."

    -Mark Twain

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    yeah I know exactly,,,they only have a trickle coming-in,,if anything. Maintained by their own birthrate.

    That's why they hate JW's marrying ''worldly'' ones,,,,,it doesn't sustain their numbers.

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